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2020-11-15 18:35:01

题目:Research shows that business meetings and training are happening online nowadays. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Business conferences and training are taking place more and more on online platforms, replacing the traditional face-to-face communication and information exchange. This has both benefits and drawbacks in equal measure.第1段引出话题,重述观点。conferences替换题目中的meetings, online platforms替换题目中的platforms。好的搭配:replace traditional face-to-face communication and information exchangeThe trend seen in companies switching their training activities and business discussions to the online mode has many advantages. First of all, this offers staff increased flexibility and full control of their timetable, which is likely to diminish the unnecessary high stress levels and thus boost their work productivity. For instance, working mothers find this incredibly helpful for them to multitask between rearing their children and joining meetings to keep abreast of developments in the company. Furthermore, this online mode of operation could help companies economize on expenditure by not having to pay for electricity bill, printed documents or equipment for carrying out the meeting or training procedures, for instance.第2段论证的是线上培训的优点。training activities and business discussions 再次替换题目中的business meetings and training 。好的搭配:switch....to.... , offer staff increased flexibility and full control of their timetable, boost work productivity, economize on expenditure高分词汇:rear their children 养育孩子 keep abreast of developments in the company 及时了解公司的发展本段论点:a.线上会议给员工充分的自由 b.线上会议帮助公司节省开支On the other hand, this option has two major drawbacks. Firstly, communication via the internet can be a hindrance as there might be failures in the flow of information. To illustrate, in [country’s name] not many people can afford high-speed internet connection, and as a consequence, lagging connection or computer crashing can cause disruptions, reducing the comprehension among meeting or training participants. In addition, there is little room for practice and the lack of direct guidance also prevents people from fully grasping the skills. It would be less productive because employees receiving training cannot apply what they are taught on the internet, or can be clumsy in their actual performance since there is no one to show them whether they are doing it the right way as reality is sometimes completely different from theory.第3段论证是线上会议的缺点。this option用来替换题目中的business meetings and training。好的搭配:be a hindrance, flow of information , computer crashing, lack of direct guidance, be less productive, be clumsy in their actual perfomance本段论点:a.线上沟通可能会遇到中断等网络问题 b.线上的练习空间较小,缺少直接指导In conclusion, while there are some advantages for staying at home and participating in discussions or training sessions, there are also disadvantages showing that both sides of this development should be carefully viewed.第4段总结上文的观点。staying at home and participating in discussions or training sessions 用来替换题目中的business meetings and training.



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