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2018年8月26日托福写作解析范文& 托福三选一题目模板与中心句?

2020-11-16 01:40:01

臻顺赴美Tommy老师抓紧进行了2018年8月26日托福考试写作真题范文的预测工作 ,并及时整理了2018年8月26日的托福作文独立作文三选一题目解题技巧进行了整理与官方解析,本期请同学们着重学习托福作文中心句如何书写。

2018年8月26托福写作范文& 托福独立作文三选一题目解题方法演示?

Which of the following jobs or careers do you think would be most rewarding?·University professor·Environmental scientist·Newspaper journalist

典型三选一题目:A/B+C 的模式; 切记:A与B+C的共性特征做比较。


第一步 :解析题目类型:三选一题目:A/B+C 的模式;


第一难点:汇rewarding 的正确理解,在此提醒同学一句话 ,汉语对于某些词汇的理解非常误导;比如此词的解释是 有意义;而柯林斯词典的英文释义更为全面 : An experience or action that is rewarding gives you satisfaction or brings you benefits.满意的, 使人享受益处的。会发现 词汇中英文解释相差很远!所以 托福考生 背单词时候 一定尽力记忆英文+中文的释义 。第二难点:切记:A与B+C的共性特征做比较。


核心逻辑如同对题目分析环节所述:A >B+Cto be most rewarding 这等价于论证;

A>( better于 B+C)在于a1方面to be most rewarding .


A>( 比 B+C )在于a1方面to be most rewarding .A>( 比 B+C )在于a2方面to be most rewarding .A>( 比 B+C )在于a3方面to be most rewarding .

第四步 : 写出具体理由:比如说如下的理由

a1:(比“选择B”和“选择C”)更多珍贵的假期 ,陪伴家人与亲密!a2:(比“选择B”和“选择C”)更好的教育资源,教育子女-成才!a3: (比“选择B”和“选择C”)为社会培育更多人才,能让跟多人有发展的机会!

·University professor·Environmental scientist·Newspaper journalist


Career life can be healing-by accomplishment and career ladder , one will enjoy his great fame and wealth, being a well-known man ,fulfilling himself and serving the society well. Also career life can be killing-under great pressure from working settings , one may lose confidence ,being beaten by the intangible stress. After a thorough consideration , being a professor in university will be a most meaningful and rewarding choice .

First , the rewards of being an university professor can be examplified by obviously more vacation days with family and thus more harmony; being a scientist and a journalist will hardly enjoy this.

Second , the career of an university faculty will never lack the nice educational resources and make the offsprings better educated; meanwhile , the other two could hardly serve such priority.

Last , the career of my preference will cultivate a larger number of both those averages and those talents better , who under university life , better serve this society ; this highlight is what the other two can not offer.



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