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2020-11-16 11:20:01

英文名诗两首女诗人篇文峰(译)铭记(英)克里斯蒂娜罗塞蒂记着我,当我即将离开远远走向寂静的土地当你不再握住我手儿我是欲去,欲去又徘徊请记着我,当你不再为我日日描述你筹划的未来只是记着我,你可明白同祷同商的愿望太迟了若是你忘了我-------片刻功夫然后又记起,请不必叹息原先属于我的思想的痕迹已在黑暗和腐朽里容留我宁可你因为忘了而欢愉也不要你因为记住而哀愁RememberChristina Rossetti.Remember me when I am gone awayGone far away into the silent landWhen you can no more hold me by the handNor I half turn to go yet turning stayRemember me when no more day by dayYou tell me of our future that you plannedOnly remember me,you understandIt will be late to counsel then or prayYet if you should forget me for a whileAnd afterwards remember, do not grieveFor if the darkness and corruption leaveA vestige of the thoughts that once I hadBetter by far you should forget and smileThan that you should remember and be sad.农妇(英)玛莎奥斯坦索他将不闻杜鹃的鸣啼末场小雪蒙住他的眼睛我将看见孤单的星子在他辞世时滑入裸松我的心和时钟将在稍后独守这里的一切寂寞除非是傻叫的潜鸟逗留或者呼啸的风才会经过他不再捧起泥土用他的双手。他的脸庞也不再仰向雨珠那是早春四月遣其所往南面坐落着他的果园西边有他割后的麦地“他们”准晓得他别了人间因为他爱我还在其次玛莎奥斯坦索(Martha Ostenso 1900—1963) 美籍挪威小说家 这是一位农妇在丈夫死后内心的独白。她心里很清楚,淳朴的丈夫生前留恋这个世界和妻子,虽然他也爱他的果园和麦地。The Farmer’s Wife Martha OstensoHe will not hear the cuckoo call, The last faint snow will seal his eyes. I shall see a lone star fall Above the bare pine ere he dies.My own heart and the clock will soon Alone keep all the silence here--- Unless the foolish, crying loon Or the chanting wind come near.He will not hold the soil again In his own hands, not will his face Lift to the power of the rain That early April brings this place.To the south his orchard lies, His naked wheat-field to the west, And well will they know when he dies He loved me only second best.译者简介:刘文峰,笔名:文峰,山东德州市作协会员,中国诗歌学会会员。喜爱读书码字儿,相比读书码字儿,更爱种花养草。曾在《朔方》、《凤鸣》、《鲁北文学》、德州晚报等杂志报刊发表过多篇诗歌、散文;写作之余偶尔做些外文(诗歌)翻译。



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