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这50个用于问候或关心客户的外贸开发信Opening和Ending 是如何在新冠疫情期间帮助你

2020-11-18 18:05:01






问候/关心客户的外贸开发信或邮件:Openning 开场白

1. We hope you and your team are staying healthy during this unprecedented time.

2. First and foremost, I hope you and your families are safe and well. The last few weeks have been unprecedented for all of us, to say the least.

3. Together, we are facing a truly unprecedented situation. The global coronavirus pandemic is affecting all of our families, our businesses, our communities, and our way of life. During this time, I wanted to reach out and update you on how we’re approaching the situation at [your company].

4. As the world navigates the uncertainty of COVID-19, you can count on [your company] for continuity of service. We are here to support your business and enable you to focus on meeting the needs of your organization.

5. We hope you are staying healthy and safe as the global Coronavirus pandemic continues.

问候/关心客户的外贸开发信或邮件:Ending 结尾

1. As we go forward, we’ll be sure to keep you updated, and know that we always value your questions, ideas, and feedback.

2. On behalf of all of your colleagues at [your company], I wish you, your teams, and the health and safety of your loved ones.

3. Thank you for everything you are doing to support your people and our communities. We will get through this together.

4. We hope that you and those around you are and remain safe. We are privileged to have you as a customer and even in this unprecedented situation, are working hard to continue serving you as you expect. Thank you for your business, your friendship, and your trust.

5. As we go forward, we’ll keep you updated. In the meantime, please reach out with questions, ideas, and feedback.(来源:红板砖开发信)



这50个用于问候或关心客户的外贸开发信Opening和Ending 是如何在新冠疫情期间帮助你表达善意和建立信心?



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