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「宅家学霸修炼指南III」最困扰考生的两大写作难题 官方解答在此

2020-11-18 22:35:01
















Q1: How should I organise my time during an IELTS writing test? I always feel I run out of time during the test.



The two writing tasks in IELTS are quite different so various time management techniques should be employed.


For both tasks (in General and Academic), the time limit is 60 minutes.

考试时,你需要在60 分钟内完成两篇作文写作(培训类与学术类)。

General Task 1(letter) and Academic (data analysis), the minimum word count is 150. General/AcademicTask 2 (essay) – 250.

对于任务一,培训类作文一一般为书信,学术类作文一则通常涉及数据分析,作文字数不少于150 词。培训类/学术类作文任务二要求写一篇不少于250 词的议论性短文。

It is recommended that you spend 20 minutes for Task 1 and 40 minutes for Task 2.

建议你用 20 分钟完成任务一,用40 分钟完成任务二。


General Task 1 培训类作文一

1. Read the prompt very carefully and think about who, what, how.


Who you are writing to will determine your tone – formal or informal; your friend or manager.收信人身份决定了写作风格——信件是写给朋友还是经理,应采用正式还是非正式文体;What are you writing about – make sure you cover ALL three points in your letter.信件内容是关于什么的?——考生在信中必须涵盖全部三个要点。How - how do you start and end the letter; what expressions and language to use.如何行文?——构思信件的开头与结尾;思考使用哪些语言和表达方式。

2. Spend 5 minutesto sketch your ideas and plan your writing.

用5 分钟时间列出写作要点与作文提纲。

This stage is extremely important – if you have a clear idea of the above points, then you won’t feel stuck or pressed for time.这一步非常重要——如果你对所列要点了然于胸,那么就不会感到没有思路或时间紧迫。Use mindmaps or bullet points to think of appropriate vocabulary to use. Try to use synonyms to show your variety of vocabulary.利用思维导图或列出要点的方法调动可用的合适词汇。多使用近义词,以体现丰富的词汇储备。Write down only essential phrases/expressions. Do not waste time writing whole sentences in your planning stage.仅需写下关键短语/表达。列提纲时无需浪费时间写出完整句子。

3. Write your answer for about 10 minutes and try not to stop.


While you’re writing, if you get stuck, look back at your ideas.写作过程中,如果思路中断,可回看提纲中的写作要点。If you can’t remember a word,think of a synonym or another way to express your ideas.如果突然忘记某个单词,可以使用近义词替代,或者换一种表达方式。Try to write neatly but if youneed to cross out a section and start over, do not worry too much about it.注意书面整洁。不过如果需要划去某些词句重新写,也无需过度担心。Do not count words. If you’ve practiced enough, you should have a clear idea of how much to write to fulfil the minimum word count requirement.不要去数单词数。如果你平时练习充分,就应该很清楚至少要写多长才能到达考试要求的字数。

4. Leave 5 minutesto read what you’ve written and correct any mistakes that you spot. This is a very important stage to spot easy mistakes and correct them!



Academic Task 1 学术类作文一

1. Look at the data you have to analyse carefully. 仔细观察需要分析的数据。

The data is presented in a graph(bar, line, etc.), pie chart, table, map, or process.数据以图形(柱形图、线形图等)、饼状图、表格、地图或者流程图等形式呈现。Think about the main trends and tendencies.思考数据的主要走向和变化趋势。There is usually a comparison needed – concentrate on that.通常需要进行对比分析——请着重在这点。Do not pay too much attention to the details.不要过分关注细节。Pay attention to the way the data is presented – numbers, percentages, directions, etc.注意数据的呈现方式——数字、百分比、文字说明等。

2. Follow stages 2, 3, and 4 from General Task 1 above.

之后的写作流程请于上文培训类作文一的第2、3 、4 步相同。


General/Academic Task 2 培训类/学术类作文二

1. Read the essay question carefully and decide on the type of essay – opinion or argumentative; one viewor two views (agree/disagree)


Essays are usually semi-formal so no informal language and expressions.议论性短文通常属于半正式文体,因此不要使用非正式的语言和表达方式。

2. Plan your ideas carefully. 仔细列出论述要点。

What is the main argument? 你的主要论点是什么?How many examples do you need to provide? 你准备提供几个例证?How many views do you need to present? 你准备陈述几个观点?Do you agree or disagree with the main statement. WHY?你是否同意题干中的主要观点,为什么?What are your supporting arguments for both views.针对两种观点,你将给出哪些论据?Don’t forget – do not write full sentences at the planning stage! Just write down your ideas using bullet points/mind maps.切记——列提纲时无需写出完整句子!只需用列出要点的方式或思维导图记下你的想法即可。

3. Write your answer for about 30 minutes. See more tips from stage 3 of General Task 1 above.


Pay attention to the structure of the essay: introduction (2-3 sentences), body (2-3 paragraphs), and conclusion (2-3 sentences).注意文章架构:引言(2 – 3 句)、正文(2 – 3 段)、结论(2 -3句)。

Introduction– paraphrase the main argument and give your opinion.


Body– you can structure it in different ways but make sure you have paragraphs. Each paragraph should start with a topic sentence which states the argument of the paragraph. Then develop the argument providing supporting ideas. The paragraphs should be linked through cohesive devices and there should be a flow throughout the essay.


Conclusion– make sure you havea conclusion! Repeat and re-state the main argument you have written about.


4. Allow time (about 5 mins)to read what you have written and correct simple mistakes.


Q2: How large a vocabulary isneeded to get a Band 7 for Writing? Does vocabulary really matter in Writing?

需要积累多少词汇才能在雅思写作考试中得到7 分的成绩?词汇在雅思写作口试中是否非常关键?


To achieve a Band 7 in Writing, a large vocabulary matters a lot.If you look at the IELTS public band descriptors (see here), you’ll notice that the Band 7 category for vocabulary (“Lexical Resource”) says the following:

若想在雅思写作考试中得到7 分,充足的词汇储备至关重要。如果考生阅读了雅思官网公布的写作评分标准(详见这里),就能在词汇一栏(“词汇丰富程度”)看到7分成绩相对应的评分标准,具体如下:

Uses a sufficient range of vocabulary to allow some flexibility and precision;使用足够的词汇,体现一定的灵活性及准确性;Uses less common lexical items with some awareness of style and collocation;使用不太常见的词汇,对语体及搭配有一定的认识;May produce occasional errors in word choice, spelling and/or word formation在选择用词、拼写及/或构词方面可能偶尔出现错误。It is important to pay attention to the phrase “sufficient range”. This means that you need to use a wide range of simple AND less common vocabulary. For example, if the topic of the question relates to cars, don’t just keep writing “cars” for the whole essay; use less common synonymsfor “car” like “vehicle”, “automobile”, etc. It would be unnatural to only useless common vocabulary, so remember to use a mixture of simple and more complex words.

在上述标准中,“足够的词汇”这一表述非常值得注意,系指考生需要广泛运用的简单词汇和不太常见的词汇。例如,如果题干的主题与汽车有关,则考生要避免通篇反复使用“cars ”这个单词,可以使用与“ car ”意思相近的非常见词汇,如“vehicle ”、“ automobile ”等。但如果考生通篇都用非常见的词汇,则整篇作文会显得不太自然,因此,最好是综合运用简单词汇与较复杂的词汇。


It is also important that you show “some awareness of style and collocation” as you use less common vocabulary. This means that you shouldn’t just use a less common word because you memorized it; you should be able to use it in an appropriate context where native speakers would be likely to use it.To become skilled at this, you should:


watch a wide range of English language videos (TED talks, TV shows, movies, etc.);观看各种英语视频(如TED 演讲、电视节目、英文电影等);read a wide range of English language texts (websiteand newspaper articles, books, etc.) so that you can develop a feel for the language.阅读各种英语文本资料(如发表于网站或报纸上的英文文章、英文书籍等),以此培养考生的语感。Even if you make some mistakes (“occasional errors in word choice”), you can still get a 7 if you are mostly accurate in your choice of words and expressions.

即便考生在作文中出现了错误(如“个别单词用法错误”),但只要考生绝大部分的词汇与表达方式使用正确,他依然可以在写作考试中拿到7 分。

Developed by British Council East Asia Assessment Solutions Team


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