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2020-11-20 11:30:01



1. 陈述研究发现

2. 陈述研究未发现情况

3. 表明研究结果证实了先前的证据

4. 研究结果与之前的证据相矛盾

5. 概述不良或意外的研究结果

6. 最大程度地减少不良或意外研究结果

7. 解释和验证不良或意外研究结果



1.These tests revealed / showed / highlighted that … Strong / Some / No evidence of X was found …

2. Interestingly / Surprisingly / Unexpectedly, for high values of X, Y was found ..

3. There was a significant positive / no correlation between …

4.On average / Generally speaking / Broadly speaking, we found values for X of … The average / mean score for X was …

5. This result is significant only / exclusively at an X level.

6. Further analysis / analyses / tests / examinations / replications showed that …


1. No significant difference / correlation was found / identified / revealed / detected / observed / highlighted between ….

2. There were no significant differences between X and Y in terms of Z / with regard to Z / as far as Z is concerned.

3. The analysis did not show / reveal / identify / confirm any significant differences between … None of these differences were / Not one of these differences was statistically significant.

4. Overall / Taken as a whole / Generally speaking / With a few exceptions, our results show X did not affect Y.


1.Our experiments confirm / corroborate / are in line with / are consistent with previous results [Wiley 2009].

2.The values are barely / scarcely / hardly distinguishable from [Li 2010] who … This value has been found to be / is typical of X.

3.This is in good agreement / in complete agreement / consistent with …

4.This fits / matches / concurs well with [65] and also confirms our earlier / previous findings [39, 40, 41].

5.This confirms / supports / lends support to / substantiates previous findings in the literature …

6.These values correlate favorably / satisfactorily / fairly well with Svenson [2009] and further support the idea / role / concept of…

7. Further tests carried out with X confirmed / corroborated / concurred with our initial findings.

8.As proposed / suggested / reported / indicated / put forward by Dong [2011], the evidence we found points to …

9.Our results share / have a number of similarities with Claire et al.’s [2012] findings …


1. It was found that X = 2, whereas / on the other hand Kamatchi [2011] found that …

2. We found much higher values for X than / with respect to those reported by Pandey [2000].

3. Although / Despite the fact that Li and Mithran [2014] found that X = 2 we found that X = 3.

4. In contrast to / contradiction with earlier findings [Castenas, 2009], we …

5.This study has not confirmed previous research on X. However / Nevertheless / Despite this, it serves to …

6.Even though these results differ from some published / previous / earlier studies (Cossu, 2001; Triana, 2002), they are consistent with those of …

7.Kosov et al. noted that x = y. Our results do not support / appear to corroborate / seem to confirm their observation, in fact …

8. Georgiev is correct to argue / propose / claim that x = y. However, his calculation only referred to the limited case of …. and our conclusion of x = z, would thus seem to be justified / justifiable / defensible / correct / acceptable / warranted.

9. Although our results differ slightly / to some extent / considerably from those of Minhaz [2001], Erturk [2007], and Hayk [2014], it can / could nevertheless be argued that …

10.Our findings do / The current study does not support previous research in this area. In fact, contrary to / unlike / in contrast with what was previously thought, we found that …

11. These findings refute / disprove / are in contradiction with / contrast with / significantly differ from previous results reported in the literature.


1.As was / might have been expected, our findings were often contradictory …

2.Contrary to expectations / Unlike other research carried out in this area, we did not find a significant difference between …

3.Our results were disappointing / poor / inadequate / unsatisfactory / below expectations. However, … Our study was unsuccessful / not successful in proving that …

4.Our research failed to account for / justify / explain / give an explanation for / give a reason for the low values of …

5. Surprisingly / Unfortunately / Disappointingly / Regrettably, no signs of X were / evidence for X was found.

6.What is surprising / we were surprised to find / we are unable to account for is the fact that … A substantial / appreciable / noticeable disagreement is evident.

7. The Xs appear to be over-predicted / overestimated / overstated …

8.This number is slightly lower than the value we expected / anticipated / predicted and there is certainly room for improvement.


1.Although performance was not ideal / perfect / optimal, we still / nevertheless believe that … This poor performance was not unexpected / surprising / very significant. In fact …

2. This result was not expected / predicted / anticipated. However, the reason for this is probably / it is likely that the reason for this is / it is probable that the reason for this is that …

3. Our investigations so far have only been on a small scale / applied to …

4.These discrepancies are negligible / can be neglected / considered as insignificant / are of no real consequence due to the fact that …

5.Despite the limitations of this method, and consequently the poor results in Test 2, our findings do

6.nevertheless / in any case / however suggest that …

7.Given that / Since / On account of the fact that this was only a preliminary attempt to do X it is hardly surprising that …

8. As is well known, Xs are extremely hard / difficult / problematic / time-consuming / cumbersome to control, so / thus / consequently ….

9. In fact, X was beyond the scope of this study / not a primary goal in this research / not the focus of this study / not attempted in this study.

10. Consequently, it is inevitable / understandable / not hard to appreciate / not surprising that … Note / It should be noted / It is worthwhile noting that …

11.A / One limitation of our research is that the surveys were not conducted in the same period. However / Nevertheless / Despite this, we can still state that …

12.We failed / were not able / were unable to find a link between x and y, but this may / might depend on the methodology chosen for ourresearch.


1.It is very likely / probable / possible that participants may have erroneously … and this may have led to / brought about changes in …

2. The prime / primary / foremost cause of the discrepancy is due to / a result of / a consequence of X. This apparent lack of correlation can be attributed to / explained by / justified by …

3. The reason for this rather contradictory result is still not entirely / completely clear, but … There are several possible explanations for this result / finding / outcome.

4. These differences can be explained / justified / accounted for in part by …

5. It can thus be suggested / conceivably hypothesized / reasonably assumed that …

6.The unexpectedly high / low level of X is undoubtedly / certainly / without any doubt due to … A possible / reasonable / satisfactory explanation for X may be that ….

7.Another possible explanation / rationalization / reason for this is that …

8.Clearly / Evidently / Naturally there may be other possible explanations.

9.This happened / occurred / may have happened / may have occurred because we had not examined X sufficiently / in enough depth due to …

10. The reasons for this result are not yet wholly / completely / entirely understood. It cannot be ruled out / ignored that there was some unintended bias in …

11. An unintended bias cannot be ruled out / should be taken into consideration.

12. We cannot rule out that X might / may have influenced Y.

13.The observed increase in X could be attributed to / might be explained by it / could be interpreted as being a result of …

14. Despite the fact that / Although X was expected to do Y, it was not predicted that X would also do Z. However, this is not particularly surprising given the fact / in light of the fact / if we consider that…


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