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2020-11-21 22:50:01




1、It is important for everyone to learnEnglish well in our rapidly developing world

2.Only in this way/only when/only through…, will/can we…

3.If everyone makes a contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful.

4.The best way to remember new wordsis to practice them everyday.

5.In a word, there is every/little chance/probability/possibility that…in time to come.

6.Anything/anyone that/who…will have to…

7. I had a great first impression of American people.

8. We have lots of confidence inour ability to solve any problem.

9.The problem is not…; the problem is…

10.All the above evidence/experience/ facts goes to show that…

11.China is becoming more and more prosperous because of the reform and “opening up” policy.

12.So I believe a…tomorrow…will be achieved through efforts of every person.

13.We then have reasons to be confident that in the near future…

14. We all need clean air to breathe; we all need clean water to drink; we all need green places to enjoy.

15. We should get into the good habit of using our time wisely.

16.As for me, I have always been taking care to… So, I…

17.What I really want to know is whether he will go abroad next month?

18.So I believe a…tomorrow…will be achieved through efforts of every person.

19.In short, …are the major problems to be solved to…

20.Children usually have far more potential thantheir parents have realized.




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