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2020-11-22 02:35:01


第一章 总则General --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

第二章 事故的原因及防治方法The Cause for Accident and Prevention Method

一. 易导致事故的行为Actions, which often lead to accidents, include --------------------- 5

二. 容易引起事故的条件Conditions ------------------------------------------------------------- 5

三. 防治事故的方法Accidents can be prevented by --------------------------------------------- 5

第三章 避免火灾Fire Prevention

一. 火的常识Most of what you need to know about fire is ------------------------------------- 8

二. 防火安全Fire protection and prevention ------------------------------------------------------ 8

三. 紧急出口Exit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9

第四章 环境卫生Housekeeping

一. 场所Place ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11

二. 垃圾Trash ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11

三. 地板Floor ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11

第五章 危险能源控制(上锁/加标签)The Control of Hazardous Energy lockout/Tag-out

一. 定义Key definitions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12

二. 能源动力部门应按标准做到The standard requires the Energy Power Dept. ----------- 12

三. 需要上锁的能源Review of company specific item --------------------------------------- 12

四. 能量意外泄漏的危害The problems of the accidental release of energy --------------- 13

五. 锁定装置的锁定、开启Lockout devices’ locking and opening -------------------------13

六. 设备关闭和隔绝Shutdown and isolate equipment -----------------------------------------13

七. 锁定装置的安装和拆除Locking and opening lockout devices ------------------------- 13

第六章 工具设备Machine & Tools

一. 压缩气体Compressed gases -------------------------------------------------------------------- 15

二. 叉车Fork lift ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15

三. 机器保护装置Machine ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 19

四. 电动工具Electric tools ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19

第七章 个人安全防护Personal Protection

一. 个人安全防护Personal Protection ---------------------------------------------------------- 21

二. 眼的保护Eye ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21

三. 脚的保护Foot ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22

四. 手的保护Hand --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23

五. 防治打滑、磕绊、摔倒Prevention of slips、Trips and Falls -------------------------- 24

六. 梯子使用Ladders’ using ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 25

第一章 总则General

一, 为了把工作环境中的危险因素减少到最低限度,以预防来源于工作、与工作有关,或在工作过程中发生的事故和对健康的危害,制定本手册。

In order to reduce the danger to the lowest level, and prevent danger in the work place and during work time, we release this SAFETY HANDBOOK!

二, 本手册系将向您介绍什么是安全的环境,安全的工作方法,以及怎样使用安全用品。

The handbook we provide safe working conditions, instruct you in the safe way to perform your work, and make available to your equipment to protect yourself from injury.

三, 为了您的健康您家庭的幸福请记住本手册,遵守本手册。

For your health and your family happiness, please refer to this Handbook, and set the example!

四, 领导者的责任是教育、监督,并带头执行本手册。

The leader’s responsibility is teaching and management, and doing well according to this first!

五, 职工的责任就是按照安全规程行事,并向领导反馈不安全因素

Your responsibility is to follow safety instructions from your supervisor and report safety suggestions to the leader.

第二章 事故原因及防治方法The Cause for Accident and Prevention Method


Accidents don’t just happen. There is always a cause for every accident. Most accident is caused by unsafe acts. Some are caused by unsafe conditions.

一, 容易导致事故行为Actions which often lead to accidents include:

1, 不使用劳动防护用品Neglect in the use of PPE;

2, 不符合劳动安全规定的穿着和打扮Failure to dress safety;

3, 不符合操作规程的工作行为Wrong working action;

4, 工作时间精力分散,闲谈打闹Horseplay and not all attention when working。

二, 容易引起事故的条件Conditions:

1, 工作环境不清洁Poor housekeeping;

2, 材料堆放不符合要求Hazardous arrangement of material;

3, 设备防护装置损坏Something wrong with the safety guard equipment;

4, 高噪音,低照明Too much noise and improper lighting

三, 防治事故的方法Accidents can be prevented by:

设置安全通道Safe conduct;

采用安全的工作方法Safe methods;

消除不安全因素Elimination of hazards;

时刻警惕和注意Alertness and attention。


Keep in mind:

No set of safety rules can possibly cover all circumstances. Further, some rules may seem to conflict with Federal, State and Local Laws, Labor Agreement, or instruction, don’t disobey of modify the Rule: ASK YOUR MANAGER.

1. 如果你不知到做某项工作的安全方法应向你的领导请教,注意他是怎么说的。

If you don’t know the safe way to do a job, ask your foreman and pay attention to what he says.

2. 保持警惕,知道怎样应付紧急情况,记住灭火器、消防栓的位置,记住消防及紧急救援电话。

Keep alert; know what you would do in case of emergency. Keep in mind the location of fire extinguishers, telephones and first aid kits or station.

3. 工作区内严禁喝酒,一旦发现立即开除!

No drinking during working-time, if happened, he/she will be fired.

4. 发现不安全因素请马上向领导或安全员汇报。

Report any unsafe conditions to your foreman or Safety Member.

5. 帮助新工人或没有经验的工人,告诉他们那些是危险的,如何安全的工作。

Always take an interest in the new, inexperienced employee. Call attention to dangerous practices, and help him learn the safe way of doing his work.

6. 通知所有可能因为你的工作而受伤的人;和他人一起工作,卸重物或做可能伤害他的事之前一定要通知他;在确信下面没有人之前不要向下扔任何物品。

Notify all persons who might be endangered by your work. When working with another person, let him know before you drop a load or do anything that might injure him. Don’t throw anything from a height until you have checked to make sure that no one to below you.

7. 禁止打闹,一旦发现立即处罚。

Horseplay is forbidden. Immediate punishment is the penalty.

8. 注意遵守任何警告。

Observe and obey all warning signs.

9. 物尽其用。

Use equipment for what it was designed for.

10. 穿合体的服装,尤其是在运动的机器周围,不要穿松松垮垮的衣服或戴首饰。

Wear clothes suited for the job-no dangling or loose clothing or jewelry around moving machinery.

11. 学会用正确的方式提升重物:屈膝,保持背部直立,搬过重物品应在别人帮助下进行。

Learn to lift the right way. Bend knees, keep back erect, and get help for heavy loads.

12. 不要跑,注意脚下,保持步幅,任何时候都要保持平衡。

Do not run – watch your step—keep firm footing and proper balance at all times.


Lack of knowledge of safe practices will not be accepted as an excuse for their violation.


Effective management of worker safety and health protection is a decisive factor in reducing the extent and severity of work-related injuries and illnesses and related costs.


Employers are advised and encouraged to institute and maintain in their establishments a program that provides adequate systematic policies, procedures, and practices that protect their employees from, and allow them to recognize, job-related safety and health hazards.

安全工作中最重要的因素是你。执行安全规定与否由你决定 —- 它们是为保护你制定的。任何类型的伤害、危险都应马上汇报。

The most important part of safety is you. It is up to you abide by the safety rules – they are made for your protection. You are expected to report immediately any personal injury, however minor, and all dangerous conditions and practices to your supervisor.


一, 火的常识Most of what you need to know about fire is:

1, 火的燃烧必备三个因素:可燃物、火种和空气(氧气),断其一点即可灭火。

3 factors to fire: combustibility-material、kindling and air(Oxygen)

2, 火灾的类型Types of fire:


The most common kind of fire:Involving ordinary materials such as wood, paper, rubber and plastics,which need require water, dry powder & foam fire extinguishers.


Flammable liquids, gases and greases make up this class. They are harder to fight and require a special kind of extinguisher.


Combustible metals including magnesium, titanium, zirconium and sodium.


Fire caused by electric circuit,must cut off the power first then put out a fire to save life and property。


好的工作环境可避免火灾Good housekeeping as prevention;

好的工作经验可避免火灾Good work practices as prevention;

好的工作习惯可避免火灾Good habit as prevention.

二、防火安全Fire protection and prevention


You should be familiar with the location of fire fighting equipment on the job, particularly in the area where you are working.


In case of fire, do not get excited. First consideration must be given to the safety of all personnel. Then sound the alarm. After everyone is safe is soon enough to give attention to saving property.


Do not tamper with firefighting equipment.


Keep the area around fire extinguishers and other fire equipment clear of material and tools.


Provide trash cans for throwing debris in and keeping the area cleaning up helps to reduce the possibility of fire.


Use safety cans for transporting fuel from storage tank to gas tank or for temporary storage.


Do not smoke in gas storage areas.


Take precautions when burning or welding


Ground storage tank when refueling vehicle


Keep work areas clean and store clutter-free, a neat and orderly job reduces fire hazards


High explosives or highly flammable liquids shall not be used to clean parts or tools.


Containers used for storing flammable liquids shall be marked as to their contents.


No vehicle or engine shall be refueled while the engine is running.


There shall be no open fires on the jobsite.


When using portable heaters, we must make certain that all combustible material is back away from the heater at a safe distance.


Store, handle, and pile all materials in regard to their fire characteristics.


Know what chemicals you work with-you might have to advise fire fighters on the scene of chemical fire concerning the type of hazardous substances involved. (MSDS) CONTROL.



Every building designed for human occupancy shall be provided with exits sufficient to permit the prompt escape of occupants in case of emergency.


In hazardous areas, or where employees may be endangered by the blocking of any single means of egress due to fire or smoke, there shall be at least two means of egress remote from each other.


Exits and the way of approach and travel from exits shall be maintained so that they are unobstructed and are accessible at all times.


All exits shall discharge directly to the street or other open space that gives safe access to a public way.


Exit doors serving more than 50 people, or at high hazard areas, shall swing in the direction of exit travel.


Readily visible, suitably illuminated exit signs shall mark exits. Exit signs shall be distinctive in color and provide contrast with surroundings. The word “EXIT” shall be of plainly legible letters, not less than 6 inches high.


Any door, passage, or stairway which is neither an exit nor a way of exit access, and which is so located or arranged as to be likely to be mistaken for an exit, shall be identified by a sign reading “ NOT AN EXIT” or similar designation.


一, 场所Place

1, 所有工作场所、通道、库房和办公室都应保持良好卫生,清洁有序。

All places of employment, passageways, storerooms, and service rooms shall be kept clean and orderly and in a sanitary condition.

2, 干净整洁的工作环境有助于减少火灾的可能性,降低事故发生率,因此请从自己做起,保持良好的工作环境。

A neat and orderly job improves general working conditions, reduces the fire hazards and helps to reduce accidents – do your part.

3, 将材料码放整齐,按正确方法存放。

Keep material piles neatly, and stacked properly. Do it right the first time.

4, 木材上及开启的包装上的钉子应及时拔掉或砸弯。桶周围的钉子应在开盖时拔掉。

Nails in lumber shall always be removed or bent over, nails around keg tops shall be removed as soon as the keg is opened.

二, 垃圾Trash

1, 工作后应打扫卫生,将废弃物扔进垃圾桶。

Finish working should clean the working spot and put the scraps in the waste containers.

2, 不用的水杯、废弃物等杂物应及时处理。

Put your used drinking cups in the trash containers provided.

3, 所有的垃圾、固体、液体废料都应尽快清除,以避免危害健康或影响环境整洁。

All sweeping, solid or liquid wasters, refuse, and garbage shall be removed in such a manner as to avoid creating a menace to health and as often as necessary to maintain good antiquary condition.

4, 不得随意丢弃烟头。

No smoking-end at will.

三, 地板Floor

1, 所有地板表面应保持清洁、干燥,并且无地脚螺钉、碎屑、松动板、坑或凸台。

All floor surfaces shall be keep clean dry, and free from protruding nails, splinters, loose boards, holes, or projections.

2, 潮湿的工作场所,应保持地漏通畅,如有必要应为操作员提供临时地板、脚踏板、垫子或其他干燥的供站立的地方。

Where wet processes are used, drainage shall be maintained, and false floors, platforms, mats, or other dry standing places shall be provided where practicable.

第五章危险能源控制(上锁/加标签)The control of hazardous energy (Lockout / Tagout)

一, 定义Key definitions

l 上锁是防止能量从电源流入设备的一种方法,它通过把锁定装置(开关)安装在电源上,让使用该能源的设备无法运转;

Lockout is one of process of blocking the flow of energy from a power source to a piece of equipment, and keeping it blocked out. Lockout is accomplished by installing a lockout device to the power source so that equipment powered by that source cannot be operated.

l 加标签是将标签放在能源上,标签是警告人们不要使用能源,而其本身不能达到阻止能源泄漏的目的;

Tagout is accomplished by placing a tag on the power source. The tag as a warning not to restore energy it is not a physical restraint.

二, 能源动力部门应按标准做到The standard requires the Energy Power Dept.:


Develop a written energy control program that clearly explains all procedures for lockout/tagout.


Provide training to those workers affected by these procedures. This training must include:

如何关闭设备How to perform a shutdown;

如何隔绝设备How to isolate equipment;

如何安装和拆除锁定装置How to apply and remove lockout devices;

如何将储存的能量安全释放到零状态How to safely release stored energy to reach zero state;


For employees will actually perform lockout/tagout procedures. Training for these individuals must include:

什么是危险能源Explanation of hazardous energy sources;

鉴别工作区内的能源Identification of energy sources in your workplace;

进行上锁、关闭、开启操作Perform the lockout、open、off;

三, 需要上锁的能源Review of company specific item

l 电力装置Electrical

l 机动装置 (滑轮、车轮、齿轮、车辆)Mechanical (pulleys, wheels, gears)

l 气动装置Pneumatic (arms, rams, presses)

l 液汽装置Fluid and Gases

液压、气压Hydraulic (arms, rams, presses)

热力(蒸汽或热水)Thermal (stream or hot water)

高压水Water under pressure


天然气Natural gas

四, 能量意外泄漏的危害The problems of the accidental release of energy

l 意外启动Accidental start-ups

l 电冲击Electric shock

l 致残或致死Disabling injuries and death

五, 上锁/加标签程序The lockout/tagout procedure

上锁/加标签过程包括 including:

l 关闭设备How to perform a shutdown;

l 隔绝设备How to isolate equipment;

l 锁定装置的安装和拆除How to apply and remove lockout device;

l 将能量安全释放到零状态How to safely release stored energy to assure that a zero energy state exists.

六, 设备关闭和隔绝

How to perform a shutdown and isolate equipment

l 通知所有有关人员马上进行上锁程序

Notify all affected employees that a lockout procedure is about to start.

l 找到设备所有电源,包括隐蔽的电源。

Locate all energy sources that power the piece of equipment you’ll be servicing, including hidden energy sources.

l 如果设备有一处以上的电源,你必须确保知道机器及所有电源的位置。

Note that some machines have more than one source of power, so you must make sure you know the machine and all power sources involved.

七,锁定装置的锁定、开启Locking and opening lockout devices


Shut down the machine by following the normal method for shutdown;

l 切断总闸。

Turn off the energy at main power sources;

l 再将设备的开关打开以确保总闸确实已经关闭。

Turn the machine switch back on to confirm that the power source has been deactivated;

l 试着将设备重新启动以确保能量以隔绝,然后再将开关扳回零位置。

Attempt to restart the machine to guarantee that the power is shut off, then return the switch to the off position;

l 用你自己的锁锁定全部有关电源。

Using your own lock, lock out all energy sources involved;

l 检查锁定装置以保证设备无法启动。

With your lock in place, test the disconnection to make sure it can’t be turned on.

l 如果几个人共同用一台设备,则每个人都需有一把锁,当另一工人正在使用机器时可防止意外启动。

If several people are needed to work on a piece of equipment, each one must apply their own lock. This prevents any accidental start-ups while another employee may still be working on the machinery.

l 如果所有能源都已锁定,应通知其他人员,通知的方法是在能源处加标签。

When all energy sources are locked, inform others of the lockout situation. One way to do this is by applying a tag to the power source.

l 进行维护保养工作前设备必须处于能量为零状态。

Equipment must be at “zero energy state” before servicing or maintenance work can begin to get to this state;

l 打开阀门,放出系统内的气体或储存的高压液体,或用适用于公司设备的具体方法释放设备中的能量。

Drain all valves, bleed off air from a system, eliminate stored hydraulic pressure, or use any method to release energy that is detailed in your company procedure.

l 检查机器,确保所有能量都已被释放。

Test machine to assure that all energy was disconnected or released

l 维修保养结束后,拿走所有工具,把保护装置放回原处。

After servicing is finished remove all tools from area and replace all machine guards.

l 撤掉标签。

Remove your tag and lock;

l 接通电源。

Reconnect all sources of energy

l 启动设备。

Restart the equipment;

第六章工具设备Machine and Tools

一, 压缩气体Compressed Gases

l 只能使用经有关部门认可的气瓶;

Cylinders shall not be accepted unless approved by relevant commission.

l 气瓶只能按正确的方法搬运或滚动,不能拖、扔或用电磁铁、吊绳等搬运。(除非吊绳附有特为气瓶设计的托板)

Cylinders shall be carried or rolled on bottom end and never dragged, dropped, or moved by electric magnets and rope slings, unless a specially designed cradle is provided in the sling.

l 所有气瓶都应被当作满的气瓶妥善处理。

Cylinders shall always be considered as full and handled with corresponding care.

l 气瓶应在通风处存放,远离热源。如果存放在楼内,则应远离各种炉子、加热器,及油、锯屑、刨花等易燃物。

Cylinders shall be kept in well-ventilated places and away for any sources of excess heat. When places inside buildings, they shall be kept away from highly combustible materials, such as oil and excelsior, and away from stoves, radiators, and furnaces.

l 气瓶应稳妥的放在指定位置,远离电梯或过道,因为在这些地方气瓶容易被撞倒或被倒下的东西砸坏。

Cylinders shall be stored securely by positive methods and in a definitely assigned place, away from elevator, gangways, and other places where they are likely to be knocked over or damaged by passing or falling objects.

l 在楼内不要将氧气瓶和乙炔或其他类的气瓶放的过近。

Cylinders of oxygen shall not be stored in close proximity to cylinders of acetylene and other compressed gases inside buildings. Unless well separated, there shall be a fire-resisting partition between the oxygen cylinders and other compressed-gas cylinders.

l 如果气瓶存放于户外,应远离冰或积雪,如果周围气温较高,应避免阳光直射。

Where cylinders are stored in the open, they shall be protected from accumulations of ice and snow and from the continuous direct rays of the sun in locations where high temperatures prevail.

二, 叉车Fork lift

A:叉车的使用规定Driving fork lift

l 只有经过培训并经认可的人员方可驾驶叉车(驾驶证)

Only a trained and authorized operator should drive a forklift.

l 只有指定的人员方可驾驶叉车。(岗位证)

Only the assigned driver should operate a forklift.

l 不得使用带故障的叉车,无论何时出现故障都应停止工作直到修好为止。

No using the forklift, which needs repair, in any way unsafe, the forklift shall be taken out of service until it has been restored to safe operating condition.

l 除非工作条件不允许,否则高举的叉车都应有过头保护。

High lift rider truck shall be equipped with a substantial overhead guard unless operating conditions do not permit.

l 叉车装载的货物威胁到操作员时,应在叉车上安装过头保护装置。

Fork trucks shall be equipped with a vertical load backrest extension when the type of load presents a hazard to operator.

l 给卡车装货时,卡车不仅要制动,还应在后轮塞上楔子以避免其转动。

The brakes of highway truck shall be set and wheel chocks placed under the rear wheels to prevent the truck from rolling while they are boarded with forklift trucks.

B: 叉车安全行驶规则Safe Fork Lift Driving Rules:

l 右侧行驶。

Keep to the right

l 不超速行驶(室内≤5km/h)。

Obey speed limits

l 与其他车辆保持三个车长距离。

Keep three vehicle lengths away from other vehicles

l 路口减速。

Slow down at all intersections

l 人在车右侧。

The pedestrian always has the right of way

l 不要在车上做危险动作。

No horse play is allowed

l 不要骑在车上、座位上或车背上。

No riders are allowed, not on the forks, not on the seat, not on the back

l 手臂不要伸出车外。

Always keep arms and legs inside the vehicle

l 面对叉车前进方向。

Face the direction of travel

l 任何时候都应知道你的车在何处。

Know the position of your forks at all times

l 注意头顶上的东西,在立体仓库作业必须戴安全帽。

Be aware of overhead clearances, if working in solid storeroom must wear safety helmet.

l 注意清理油污。

Be alert for oil and grease spots

l 注意光线变化

Be careful of changing light conditions

l 不要拖、拉货物。

No towing or pushing is allowed

l 小心货物的边缘。

Beware of edges on loading docks

l 往车上装卸货物时,用东西楔住车轮避免车子移动。

Always check the wheels of a truck being loaded or unloaded;

l 升降货物前,将车子停稳后再升降。

Stop completely before raising or lowering a load;

l 确保叉车完全伸入货盘。

Make sure forks extend completely into a pallet;

l 不载超高货物。

Never travel with a load raised high;

l 确保货物平衡且稳定后再启动。

Make travel with a load is balanced and secure;

l 不能搬动货盘已经损坏的货物,不要运送超过叉车的承载能力或不稳定货物。

Do not move loads on broken pallets, loads beyond the known capacity of the fork lift or loads that are unbalanced;

C: 叉车的维修和保养Forklift inspection and maintenance


Since companies have different types of lift devices made by a variety of manufacturers, the hands-on pre-operational inspection is very impotent.

应进行以下工作Among the points to be made:

l 检修后检修工应向操作者报告修理情况。

Procedures for operators to report repairs

l 修理后的检查

Verification of repairs

l 不要使用不安全设备

The obligation to refuse to work with unsafe equipment

l 是否为操作者安装安全防护装置,许多事故是由于操作者被装置绊倒或弹起造成

Mounting and dismounting procedures. Many accidents are caused by operators slipping or jumping from their units;

l 给装置补充能量至关重要

Refueling stops are especially critical.

D: 安全检查应做如下工作A model safety check starts with this walk-around inspection:

l 检查叉车制动装置

Check fork pins and stops to make sure they are in place

l 检查车盖及零件

Check all cowling and body parts

l 检查轮子及轮胎

Check wheels and tires

l 检查损坏或松动的零件

Check for any broken or loosened parts

l 检查燃料、曲轴箱油位、散热器水位、空气滤清器、风扇皮带、液压油、电池和特殊型号的叉车要求的其他方面。

Check full level, crankcase oil level, radiator water level (if applicable), engine air cleaner, fan belt, hydraulic fluid level, battery water and other points required by the particular model

E: 操作者应在座位上检查the operator should then get in the seat to check:

l 刹车


l 油压表、水温表、电表

Oil pressure gauge, water temperature gauge, and ammeter; these will also vary by model and fuel used

F: 启动后检查:

Continue the inspection by starting the engine to check;

l 操纵,车轮转动应轻松自如,在停止前不能发出尖叫声

Steering: The wheel should turn correctly both ways to its stops, should feel loose and the pump, should not squeal before reaching the stops;

l 计时表、前灯、尾灯、警灯及其他灯

The hour meter, headlights, taillights, warning lights, and other lights;

l 离合器


l 液压和其他控制

Hydraulic and other controls;

G: 运货traveling with loads

l 让操作者将货物运到目的地,然后检查者进入车内并检查操作者是否在启动叉车时进行必要的检查。

Allow the operators to carry these loads to a drop point. Have them enter trailers and notice whether they check for problems before driving into it.

l 如果工厂内有斜坡,操作者在上岗前应进行载货上下坡,让他们练习在拥挤的地段运货,帮助他们熟悉驾车环境。

If incline are part of your plant environment, have the operator travel up and down with a load before normal operation. Take the trainer to potential problem areas with heavy traffic and blind spots. Help them to get familiar with the areas they will be driving in.

l 要提高操作者安全意识,应该引起操作者的重视从而减少由于他们疏忽而造成的材料浪费。

Make sure your operators are conscious of this factor with the type of equipment they are using. This is also a good time to emphasize the importance to stock damage caused by careless drivers.

三, 机器保护装置Machine guarding

l 如果工人在操作机器时有可能被扎伤、夹伤或被旋转、飞溅出的零件伤害,则应在机器上安装保护装置,保护装置本身不得有造成人身伤害的可能。

Machine guarding shall be provided to protect employees in the machine area from hazards such as those created by point of operation, nip points, rotation parts, flying chips and sparks. The guard shall be such that it does not offer an accident hazard in itself.

l 操作者的保护装置的作用是保护工人在操作进行过程中,身体任何部分都不会进入危险区域。

The point-of-operation guarding device shall be so designed as to prevent the operator from having any part of this body in the danger zone during the operation cycle.

l 移动材料用的工具应有保护装置,以防工人把手放在危险位置。

Special supplemental handtools for placing and removing material shall permit handing of material without the operator placing a hand in the danger zone.

四, 电动工具Power tools


You have several duties when using power tools:

l 穿上合适的个人保护装置。

Wear the right kind of personal protective equipment (PPE);

l 按规程保养工具。

Maintain the tools according to company procedures;

l 使用的工具应带有安全装置,这包括机器保险、手动开关、安全锁。

Use the safety features provided with each tool. This includes machine guards, two-handed switches, safety interlocks, etc.

l 正确的使用工具,配件应配套。

Use the tools correctly, matching the right tool to the job;


Hazards from electrically power tools come from two sources:

l 来自设备内部,例如电、叶片和其他运动部件。

The “Input” such as the electricity, the blades or other turning parts;

l 来自设备外部,例如飞溅物和火花。

The “Output” such as the piece being worked on, flying chips and sparks

C:一般安全规程some general safety rules to observe:

l 保持工作场地清洁。

Keep your work area clean;

l 保持工具灵敏、润滑(或其他保养),放在安全干燥处。

Keep tools sharp, well-oiled (or otherwise maintained) and stored in safe, dry place;

l 定期检查你的工具,但不能使用你没有获得使用资格的工具。

Regularly inspect your tools. However, you must not service any tool that you are not qualified to maintain;

l 使用的工具要附带安全装置,包括:支架(三脚架)、双倍绝缘和安全保险功能。

Use tools with appropriate safety equipment, including grounded (three-prong) plugs, double insulation and functioning safety switches;

l 确保机器的防护罩还在,使用安全眼镜,耳朵保护装置和适当的保护面罩。

Make sure machines guards are in place. Use safety glasses hearing protective and respirators as appropriate;

l 穿适当的工作服,摘下首饰。

Wear appropriate clothing and avoid jewelry;

l 携带工具应握手柄,保持线路清楚松弛。

Carry a tool by its handle, keep all cords clean and free from kinds;

l 选择大小适当的工具,包括所有附件。

Size the tool to the job. This includes matching all attachments and working parts of the tool to the job.


一, 个人安全防护Personal protection

l 对于一些有可能飞溅碎屑或液体,或可能产生强光的的特殊工作岗位,如电焊、磨削等,请戴上防护眼镜。

Welders’ helpers shall wear flash goggles. Use safety goggles when grinding, using cutting torch, welding, sanding, using chisels, chipping slag, breaking rock, handling chemicals, etc.

l 针对不同的工作岗位佩戴不同的防护手套。

You should wear a pair of good work gloves suited to your type of work.

l 工人应穿安全鞋。

Safety shoes are recommended for all employees.

l 在距地面1.5米或更高的地方工作应系安全带或其他类型的保护装置。

Safety belts shall be worn if practical on all jobs where is the danger of falling a distance of 1.5 meters, unless some other type of protection is provided.

l 应按规定着装工作服,不得穿松松垮垮或不整齐的衣服上班。

Must wear work clothes. No dangling or loose clothing during work time.

l 不得将锋利的工具放在衣兜内。

Pointed tools shall never be carried in your pocket.

l 电动设备一定要有防护罩。如果设备维修需要取下防护罩,那么维修后设备启动前应将防护罩安装回正确位置。

Keep guards and protective devices on power equipment in place at all times. When guards are removed for repairs, replace in proper order before starting up.

二, 眼的保护Eye


Suitable eye protection must be provided where machines or operations present the hazards of:

l 灰尘、粉末、烟、油雾(空气中非常小的颗粒)

Dusts, posers, fumes and mists (very small airborne particles);

l 飞溅物,也包括各类型的液体

Flying objects but also liquids of any kind;

l 强光,例如;电焊的电弧

Glare such as from welding

l 辐射(热和光,光中包括一种新的危害—激光)

Radiation (this includes heat and light including a new hazard, lasers)

l 机械的刺激剂

Mechanical irritants

l 多种危害的混合

A combination of these hazards

B:保护的类型Types of eye protection


Each type of eye protections is designed for a specific hazard.


Eye protection typical includes:

l 安全眼镜Safety glasses

l 防尘镜Goggles

l 面罩Face shields

C:选择适当的眼镜Fitting Glasses

l 防尘镜、安全眼镜和面罩的选择应由专业人员进行。

Fitting of goggles, safety glasses and shields should be by someone skilled in the procedure.

l 应从合格的供应商那里买合适的眼睛保护器具。

Obviously, you should get your corrective eyewear from qualified optical personnel

D:检验和保养Inspection and Maintenance

l 如果镜片脏的使你看不见东西,那么它对眼睛也不会有好的保护效果。

Eye protection won’t do you much good if the lenses are so dirty you can’t see well through them.

l 通过脏镜片看东西不仅会引起眼睛紧张,而且工人经常会以此为原因不进行眼睛保护。

Not only does continuous vision through dirty lenses cause eyestrain, it often becomes an excuse for not wearing eye protection.

l 很明显,保护眼睛最重要的一点是消除工作场所的危害。

Obviously, the first choice to protect your eyes will always be the elimination of the hazard from the workplace.


Eye must be protected during welding and cutting operation;

三、脚的保护 Foot

A:对脚有危害的情况包括Foot hazards include:

l 利物或重物落在脚趾上或脚面上。

Sharp or heavy objects falling on your feet or toes

l 挤压—脚或脚趾被两件物品挤压或被物体碾过。

Compression—the foot or toe is squeezed between two objects or rolled over

l 戳刺—锋利的物品划破脚底。

Puncture—a sharp object, such as broken glass cuts through the sole

l 触电—与输电线或其他设备接触使脚遭受电击。

Electricity—contact with power lines or other equipment sends shock through the shoes

l 滑倒—在水、油或化学品表面打滑或跌倒。

Slipping—contact with surface hazards such as water, oil or chemicals causes slippage and a fall

l 化学品—化学品或溶剂将一般的鞋腐蚀并对脚造成伤害。

Chemicals—chemicals or solvents corrode ordinary shoes and harm the foot

l 温度—绝热或通风造成的太热或太冷对脚造成的伤害。

Extreme heat or cold—insulation or ventilation may be the answer here

l 长期潮湿还会使脚感到不适和感染。

Discomfort and infection from prolonged periods of wetness;

B: 鞋的类型Shoes Types

l 对不同类型的危险品有不同的鞋对脚进行保护。

As noted in your text, safety shoes come in a variety of types to meet specific hazards

l 多样的选择可以满足工人不同的岗位的不同要求。

This level of choice should answer many of the excuses found in the text

l 鉴于我们都经历过鞋不合适带来的痛苦,因此鞋或靴一定要适合自己的脚,这是一个基本常识。如果你的鞋穿坏了或由于不合适被弃之不用,他们就达不到保护的目的了。

As we’ve all experienced that unique kind of tiredness and pain that comes from ill-fitting shoes or boots, it’s just common sense to get shoes and boots fitted properly. Foot protection won’t help you much if the shoes or boot are worn out or are so uncomfortable that you leave them in the locker room or at home.

四, 手的保护Hand


Some of the most common sources of hazards are listed in the text:

l 机械,包括:切割、冲压、碾或擦伤。

Machine injuries, including cuts, punctures, crushing and scrapes

l 过冷或过热。

Extreme heat or cold

l 电击或烧伤。

Electrical shock or burns

l 化学品或病菌对皮肤的刺激,常称为“接触性皮炎”。

Skin irritation from chemicals or germs, often called “contact dermatitis”.

B:错误保护的危险The Demarcation of Wrong Protection:


Wearing or using the wrong kind of PPE may be worse than using no protection at all. At least, if you’re not protected in some way, you may be more aware of the danger and be more careful.

C:保护器材类型Types of Hand Protection:

l 手套是最常见的保护品。但使用任何一种手套工作或接近机械时都应特别注意,因为手套本身并不能消除危险。

Gloves are the most common kind of hand protection. A special caution must be paid to use any kind of glove while working with or near machinery.

l 工程控制是最好的保护。先进的工艺、科学的防护装置是我们追求的目标。

Engineering controls are your best protection.

五, 防止打滑、磕绊、摔倒Prevention of slips trips and falls

A:打滑、磕绊、摔倒的原因the why and how of slips, trips, and falls

l 摩擦力—阻止两个相对运动物体之间的一种阻碍。例如两脚与路面之间的力。

Friction --The resistance between things, such as between your footwear and the waling surface.

l 动量—速度与质量的速度,也就是说相同质量的物体以较高的速度运动比以较低的速度运动有更大的能量。

Momentum -- Speed and size making the scientific measure of momentum. In terms of workplace, it means that large items moving at higher speeds will fall harder than the same item moving at a slower speed

l 引力—当你摔倒时,这是一个推动力,因此很重要的一点是保持力的平衡以使你不致摔倒。

Gravity -- Obviously, this is the force that pulls you to the ground when in a fall. The key point here is to keep your balance and your center of gravity such that you don’t fall

B:减少打滑、磕绊、摔倒的方法Let’s go through them

l 安全行走的技巧,如果你必须要走在一个潮湿的表面,甚至只是通过停车场到工作间,也应小步轻轻的走。

Safe walking skills: If you must walk on wet surfaces, even if it’s only across the parking lot to come into work, take short steps with the feet pointed slightly outward

l 清除地面水迹。

Clean up spills right away

l 别让车间地板上或靠近机械的地方有油脂。

Don’t let grease pile grease pile up on the shop floor or near machinery

C:减少打滑、磕绊、摔倒的工作规程Good work practices and procedures:

l 预先查看你将搬运的重物

Make sure you can see over the load you are carrying

l 确信光线适当

Make sure lighting is adequate

l 保持工作场地的工件摆放有序,无杂物

Keep work areas free of clutter and litter

l 通道和其他通过区的通畅

Keep furniture out of walkways and other traffic areas

l 做出明显的分界线将工作区与通道分开

Tape down extension cords keep them out of walkways

l 不从任何高台上跳下,如叉车、站台或升降机

Do not jump from any elevated surface, such as a truck, platform or elevator

l 报告所有这些问题,包括:地毯不平、楼梯或栏杆有裂纹

Report any of these problems, including loose carpeting, broken stairs or handrails

l 在任何时候保持平衡

A fall is the most extreme, occurring when you move off your center of gravity too far;


l 使用真正的梯子,决不能用箱子、椅子或工作台代替梯子

Use only “real” ladders. Don not pile up boxes, chairs or benches;

l 使用前检查梯子,不能用已缺失或带已损坏踏板或有其他问题的梯子

Inspect the ladder before use. Do not use one that has missing or broken rungs or other defects.

l 当你登梯子时,应面对梯子使用两手;用升降机为你输送材料和工具

Face the ladder when climbing and use both hands. Hoist materials and tools up to you

l 保持重心靠近梯子,调整梯子的位置,不要过高

Keep your center of balance near the ladder. Adjust the position of the ladder rather than overreaching.

l 不能多人同时用一台梯子

One person at a time on a ladder

l 不能站在伸展性梯子的顶部

l Do not stand on the top step of a step ladder or the top rung of an extension ladder

l 如果你不用梯子,不要离梯子太近,以免物体落下或梯子不平衡

Please don’t close to ladder if you don’t use ladder, avoid material drop off.



四年级下册第六单元的作文 坚持就是力量作文 奋斗的青春作文 人文情怀的作文 作文高中生活 小草的启示作文 一场风波作文 高中语文作文标题 小学生作文植树 立德树人的作文 旅游的作文 家作文350字 作文编故事 端午节的味道作文500字 秋天的一角作文 关于感恩的作文高中 帮父母打扫卫生作文 雅思大作文多少字 我的老师作文200字左右 读书之乐作文300字 写老师的作文题目唯美 我是一个小学生作文 写人的作文350字 四年级上册语文园地二作文 游北山公园作文400字 夜游西湖作文400字 我终于迈出那一步作文600字 英雄故事作文300字 书作文结尾 回忆性作文