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2020-11-23 01:00:01



Dayi Peng was born in Chaoshan district in 1936. He has devoted in painting for nearly eighty years and he is a doctor of art, a master of national etiquette art and a lifelong academician of the Royal Academy of Painting in France. He has been the professor, honorary chairman and executive vice president in more than ten national artists cultural associations and art colleges. He is the most representative and legendary great artist who stands by a common fate with the motherland.


In recent years, he has won outstanding prizes three times and first-class prizes fifteen times in the National Art Contest.


His works have been compiled into more than 50 classics such as "Hundred Years Master of National Treasure Art" and "Seven Great Masters of Chinese Art in Seventy Years". Twelve collections of paintings have been published. His painting "Chinese Dream" has been burned on a porcelain vase presenting to foreign leaders as an national gift. His paintings have been made into Maotai wine vases and stamps at home and abroad. His Chinese painting "everlasting" was engraved on the new Great Wall of Badaling, which is a historical record.


CCTV has produces the feature film Old but Vigorous for him. The Great Wall Forum broadcast "Telling the Story of China to the World - Painter Peng Dayi" video, and the World First Screen in New York, USA broadcast the works and pictures of Peng Dayi, the core artist in China.




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