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2020-11-23 02:45:01

Message on the International Volunteer Day


5 December 2019



The 2030 Agenda calls for a just, equitable, tolerant, open and socially inclusive world in which the needs of the most vulnerable are met.


Volunteerism is a powerful mechanism to engage people, especially those left farthest behind, in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. When people volunteer they connect with others and foster a sense of purpose.


This year’s International Volunteer Day (IVD) theme, ‘Volunteer for an Inclusive Future’, celebrates that, through volunteering, people make meaningful contributions to more inclusive and equalitarian societies.


By voluntary actions, people on the margins can become more included in societies. For example, the ‘#HerStory initiative’, with 500 volunteer editors throughout the Arab States, has increased the representation of women in the Arabic-language Wikipedia, achieving more gender inclusiveness in the culture of the region. UN Volunteers in the Accessible India Campaign augmented accessibility for people with disabilities by auditing 1,600 public buildings across 25 major cities. And in refugee camps throughout the globe, displaced people themselves are volunteering for children’s education and better intercultural understanding.

边缘人可通过志愿行动更多地融入社会。例如,阿拉伯国家各地500名志愿编辑发起的“#HerStory initiative”倡议提高了妇女在阿拉伯语维基百科中的代表性,使该区域的文化具有更大的性别包容性。联合国志愿人员参与印度无障碍运动则对25个主要城市的1600座公共建筑进行了审计,改善了残疾人的无障碍环境。在全球各地的难民营,流离失所者自己也在志愿开展儿童教育和增进跨文化理解。

In addition to increasing the number of UN Volunteers to contribute to the UN system activities in support of Agenda 2030, we must continue to promote volunteerism worldwide – as it nurtures solidarity and cohesion through underlying values of cooperation and reciprocity. Volunteerism is essential to ensure that global sustainable development efforts are owned by all people, implemented by all people and for all people.


On this year’s International Volunteers Day, I thank all volunteers from around the world who make the world a more inclusive and tolerant place.




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