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2020-11-24 14:10:01




Today advertising can be seen everywhere in daily life. It has influenced what people think is important and sometimes has negative effects on people’s life. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



因此,本题一定要切入讨论“生活中什么是重要的”,广告如何影响我们对这个问题的思考并由此给我们的生活带来什么样的负面作用。可能很多同学没有认真阅读题目的前面部分,只将重点放在后半部分,只讨论广告的消极影响而不联系“生活中什么是重要的”,这样就很容易偏题。那么,广告如何影响我们对“生活中什么是重要的”(what we think is important)这个问题的思考呢?



Nowadays we cannot go anywhere without seeing advertisements of one kind or another. The penetration of advertising into our life has gone so far that sometimes we even feel amazed by its ubiquity. Advertising is, of course, very useful, informing us about what to buy, where to buy and how to buy, but it also has negative effects, especially by transforming what we regard as important in our life.

Surrounded by advertisements, we can easily be led to a belief that our life is all about buying things. This widespread consumerism can persuade us into buying many things we do not really need on the one hand, and make us less content with what we have on the other, and crave hopelessly for those unattainable commodities. I still remember a few days ago when walking in front of a supermarket, I saw how a little girl, with her eyes glued to an advertising board, pestered her mother for the expensive toy on it that her mother apparently could not afford. Advertising, then, while providing us with useful commodities information, also creates the unwanted desire at our heart and makes us unhappy.

Meanwhile, lured by the promises of advertising, some people may choose to commit crimes, which then causes a lot of social problems. A student, for instance, may rob his classmate of an iPhone 8, for he has been told by advertising that iPhone 8 is superior to its previous versions. Likewise, an official may take bribery to buy an expensive house by the lake because the advertising says the luxury of living there is superb.

Seen in this light, advertising can affect our way of thinking about life and we, therefore, should be cautious about its negative influences while enjoying the benefits it brings us. (296 words)


Penetration 深入

Ubiquity 无所不在(n.)

Transform 改变

Consumerism 消费主义

Unattainable 无法得到的

Crave for... 渴望......

Glue 胶水;粘在......上(to)

Pester for... 不断要求......

Lure 诱惑

Be superior to... 比......更好

Superb 绝妙的

Cautious 谨慎的;小心的




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