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2020-11-25 10:25:01


Britain’s royal family is beefing up its social media operation amid a rise in racist online abuse targeting the Duchess of Sussex in the months after the announcement of her pregnancy, sources have told CNN.


从这句话我们可以学到一个表达“增加、加强”的表达,即beef up,在这里相当于我们熟悉的increase。

beef up:If you beef up something, you increase, strengthen, or improve it. 加强,增加再看一个选自经济学人的例句,这篇文章题为“The algorithm kingdom:China’s deep pool of data means it has a chance to lead in artificial intelligence”(算法王国:中国数据资源丰富,有机会在人工智能领域占据领先地位)。

Alibaba is already a behemoth in e-commerce and is investing billions to become number one in cloud computing. At a conference in June in Shanghai it showed off an AI service called “ET City Brain” that uses video recognition to optimise traffic in real time. It uses footage from roadside cameras to predict the behaviour of cars and can adjust traffic lights on the spot. In its home town of Hangzhou, Alibaba claims, the system has already increased the average speed of traffic by 11%. Alibaba is also planning tobeef up what it calls “ET Medical Brain”, which will offer AI-powered services to discover drugs and diagnose medical images. It has signed up a dozen hospitals to get the data it needs.


关于“增加”的相关表达有很多,读英语新闻时很容易看见increase, rise,grow up等词,当表示“激增、猛增、大幅增加”时,还有像surge,soar,mount,climb,proliferate等表达方式。


As such deals proliferated, economists studied their impact. One fear had been that they might divert custom from more efficient producers in third countries. 随着这类协定的激增,经济学家开始研究其影响。一种担心是它们可能会使协定国减少从生产效率更高的第三国生产者那里进口产品。

On November 29th its quarterly results included a surge in revenues of 15%. 11 月 29 日,它的季报显示收入激增15%。

But because the global population is growing and more people are living well into old age, researchers predict the number of people with sight problems will soar in the coming decades.但是由于全球人口正在增长,而且越来越多的人寿命较长,研究人员预测,在未来的几十年里,有视力问题的人数将会激增。


近期的《纽约时报》有一篇文章题为“As costs skyrocket, more U.S. cities stop recycling”,其中skyrocket就可以表示激增、飙升、猛涨。


It has been a difficult year for bitcoin investors, who in 2017 saw prices skyrocket by more than 2,000%.这一年对比特币投资者来说很艰难,他们在2017年看到了它的价格飙升超过2000%。




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