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「情感语录」:我还是很爱你 但是不会对你在抱有任何的希望

2020-11-26 22:35:01


Dear really sorry, I should not meet you, I should not put you in the most important position in my heart, I should not break into your heart, if I do not meet you I think I will not suffer gains and losses, let alone sad and afraid to lose you.

对不起,我下做决定将你彻底地忘记了,因为我们真的不合适,其实我知道,这个世界根本没有合不合,只有不爱了。对不起了,亲爱的这一次我选择主动离开你。你还是占据了心里重要的位置,但是我不得不离开你。希望你能原谅, 就算我离开了你,但是我的心里依旧有你。

Sorry, I made a decision to completely forget you, because we are really inappropriate, in fact, I know that the world is not at all, only do not love. I;m sorry, honey. I chose to leave you this time. You still occupy an important place in your heart, but I have to leave you. I hope you can forgive me, even if I leave you, but I still have you in my heart.


Honey, I;m really sorry. I thought about sharing my head with you, but now I have to leave. In fact, I always thought we could come to the end, but slowly realized that we were really inappropriate. I;m sorry to bother you. I can;t live up to my promise to you, let alone accompany you.


Once upon a time, I always felt that our feelings would not be defeated by all things, our feelings could overcome everything, but in the end I found out that I was wrong. I;m sorry, I never thought our relationship would end up losing to the word inappropriate.


I once contained all your bad habits, you also tolerant of all my willfulness, I naive think this is this is feelings, this is love. In this way, we can stay with each other for the rest of our lives, but I didn;t think I was wrong. I;m really sorry. I shouldn;t have been so wayward, I shouldn;t have been so unscrupulous. I;m sorry I won;t.


I have always believed that as long as we are willing, we can go back to the past, but these days I see you are very happy, you have a good person around you, I only found out that I disturbed you in the past. I;m really sorry to bother you before, but never again.


Honey, although I know that I am no longer qualified to stay by your side, but I still love you, but I will not tell you, although it is my decision to leave you, but you are still in my heart. I;m really sorry I still love you, but I won;t have any unrealistic hopes for you anymore.



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