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2020-11-27 14:30:01








啊,这是一个怎样灿烂辉煌、如此鲜活的世界!很多人包括笔者这个文学博士也只能囫囵吞枣的《道德经》,在马小秋总裁的笔下,既在殿堂、也在乡野!这个曾经有着“文学梦”的小马姑娘,在随着“阅读-这个时间机器time machine”-带她穿梭了古往今来、经历了悲欢离合后,笔下生花的文字和心灵感悟,让人十分震撼!如果说《道德经》让马小秋找到灵魂的归宿和致富之路,文学则是她做人的脊梁骨。坚持不懈的阅读,那是她一生的良师益友,永远不离不弃!


《秋言物语2》手稿连载 关于读书


译者:杰拉德·多诺万 Gerald Donavan
















17世纪, 诗人约翰·多恩(John Donne)就这样描述阅读的体验:读书把小小的房间点化成大千世界。

17世纪诗人约翰·多恩John Donne

我很幸运地接触了许多中西方文学经典,年经的我如饥似渴地阅读这些打动人心的书籍, 文学之美只有实用性才能匹配,这些书改变了我的生活,让我成为今天的我。选择一本正确的书就像寻找一个明智的导师。看看邪恶的、善良的、有教养的、无辜的角色如何表达自己的想法来应对所处的困境。你可以试想如果是你在这种情况下会怎样应对。你会怎么做?这是对为人处世和商务事宜的免费教育(或视乎书籍而定)。你可以免费学习这些知识,而无须忍受通常需要获得这些见解的艰辛历程。阅读给我们的礼物真是太了不起了!那为什么不读书呢?读书怎么会没用?












On Reading

People are so busy these days.

Whenever reading comes up in conversation lately, I hear how useless books are;after all, we’ve done so much reading, yet we haven’t managed to live such excellent lives—so what does reading really have to offer? No one would invest in a company that provided no returns. Why invest time in a book?

Is reading useless?

Over time everyone acquires an educated disposition and the wisdom that comes from decades of experience in business and personal matters. But the act of reading has occupied a position in my life whose true worth cannot be measured by any university degree. I cannot imagine what my life would be like without reading.

Perhaps we should ask the question instead:

What is reading?

Imagine, for a moment, that you desire to study the lives of women in 19th-century England. You could of course read history or consult an economics paper on the role played by women at that era, or perhaps watch a documentary on social life and traditions. You might even consult a dictionary for information on popular fashions.

Or better yet, you could read a novel by Jane Austen.

In an instant, you are transported across time to the speech, the thinking and mannerisms, and the social expectations of a young woman before marriage in 1813.

There are no facts to learn, and yet one absorbs a great deal about the relationships between men and women at the time; how they lived, and how they loved and hoped. The mind naturally absorbs and reflects upon these realities.

Reading is time travel. It is being there. The time it takes to turn a page and begin reading is the time it will take you to travel back two centuries. It evokes the cultural essence of a country at the time of its composition and transmits a record of daily life, no matter how long ago.

People get excited these days if they get the chance to tour an elegant old house or watch a new movie. Yet in most homes, elegant or ordinary, there are these miniature capsules that can serve as vehicles of understanding.

You share the mind of this person long dead, who is at that moment alive as you read the words that person composed—the same words!

Reading is free experience. How many lessons do we learn from the classics about human behavior and the everyday issues common to people of all eras?

Think of them as instantly available.

They require no fuel, except imagination. They do not become useless if unused. They can quickly come into service with a little dusting.

Yes, everyone is busy. But the habit of reading must be cultivated and encouraged. Books are never too busy for us. We are too busy for books—but by not reading, we lose more time than we gain.

In my teenage years, as a quiet girl, I enjoyed being alone in a companionship of books. Though I sat in a small room, they allowed me to travel beyond the walls and without a time frame—I crossed histories and oceans in search of life’s inviolable truths. I cultivated a moral sentiment based on what I read, and I became a better person because of it. As the saying goes, Read ten thousand books--travel ten thousand miles.

The 17th-cent. poet John Donne could have been referring to a book when he wrote:

It makes one little room an everywhere.

I was fortunate to discover the classics. Their beauty is matched only by their practicality. They have changed the course of my life.

Choosing a right book is just like discovering a wise mentor. See how the characters--the wicked, the kind, the educated, the innocent—speak their lines deal with difficult situations. You can see what would have happened to you in that situation. What would you have done? This is a free education in human affairs—or depending on the book—on business affairs. You can learn these lessons without enduring the hardships normally required to gain those insights. What a tremendous gift to us! If someone told you they could provide guidance on almost any topic under the sun, wouldn’t you be interested?

So why don’t people read? How can books be useless?

Reading can smooth out deficiencies in our nature. Our innate talents are like natural flowers and trees. Reading teaches us how to arrange them so that they may flourish. I have interviewed a lot of successful entrepreneurs from humble backgrounds. They did not appear to have had a great deal of formal education, and yet they had never stopped learning. They had some experiences at work, and they put other experiences to the test in reading—and they gained twofold in wisdom.

Reading creates an instant perspective. Talented people who do not read a lot may be skillful in specific areas of productivity, but those who study and think diligently always maintain an awareness of wider issues. Reading broadens our visions, enhances our knowledge, and enriches the way we think and how we perceive the world. People who do not read so much sometimes become too narrow in their focus: that kind of attention is not always a good thing.

At some point, of course, we need to be aware of what we read and its impact on our mental process. Loving books is great, but knowing how to judge a book’s quality is like keeping to a healthy diet. Absorbing poorly written books without judgement can lead to puffiness in thought and mediocre conceptions of what constitutes progress in our daily lives.

The methods available for reading have expanded enormously since the turn of the century. For instance, one can read an entire book on a cell phone. The issue with cell phones is the distraction of that small screen that affects how we absorb information--those superficial ideas and flashing reminders, not leaving much room for introspection or systematic thought.

Many young people do read exclusively and rapidly on electronic devices. This I do not advocate. There is no sense of occasion, of intellectual immersion, of a specific and special transmission of ideas. We miss the mindful experience of turning the page and being aware of the book’s binding, its fragrance, the texture of the pages.

In addition, books are characters in themselves: they have their own emotional associations that mark passages in our lives. We can remember specific rainy days spent in reading, and even recall the passages we read.

Reading is a process of thinking, of being in place, of attentiveness. Digital words on a small screen generally do not provide that kind of experience. Cell phones have no personalities. They offer data—not words.

Yoga is more than simple physical exercise.

Reading is more than absorbing data.

Ancient monks devised entire systems for memorizing passages for future reference—to them, reading was a method of transport into the world of the spirit and the intellect, and they marked the pages with signs and systems for retaining key points in the memory. In this way, knowledge enters the mind and heart of the reader through repeated exposure.

As the sages once said, ‘When we are young, we read books as if appreciating the moon through a narrow tube. When we reach middle-age, we read as if we are admiring the moon from a courtyard. In our senior years, we read to see the moon in all its detail, as on a spinning dais.’

The more experience we have, the more we can accommodate and understand the experience of others as being closer to our own.

The same goes for the isolated rural districts that have not benefited until recently from the resources available to big-city dwellers. In such remote land areas, entire communities of potential readers may exist in isolation. The cultural needs of these rural places are often overlooked. But it has long been recognized that, 1) culture is an engine for innovation and endeavor, and 2) that cultural coherence already exists in these communities, and reading can quickly result in tangible economic activities, such as festivals or study programs.

Reading creates a powerful means of self-expression—because good readers frequently make good writers.

Self-expression lies at the heart of the New Chinese Narrative.

Books bring us together, as people, and as a culture. They are the fabric from which civilizations are woven.

They deserve our respect and attention.



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