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2020-11-27 16:50:02



How to choose an interesting presentation topic?


Choose a topic that you know.


Choose a topic that suits the occasion.

该主题应适合该场合。如果是academic presentation,那应该是教育性的。避免有争议的主题和与场景和受众背道而驰的主题。

Choose a topic that suits your audience.



Choose a topic that fulfills the presentation’s purpose.


What makes an interesting presentation?



Design your presentation and use infographics.

您的PowerPoint Presentation不应该只是屏幕上的文字,而应富有创造力并在其中添加一些美感。花一些时间使您的presentation尽可能有吸引力。


Be eloquent by using simple words.


Dedicate time for questions and discussions.


A list of presentation topics


Science and innovation

How efficient are self-driving cars?

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence

Is time travel possible?

What does the image of a black hole mean for astronomy?

The possibility of other life forms in space

The revolution in the field of robotics

Developments in human cloning

The myth and miracles of the Bermuda Triangle

Continuing benefits of the internet and the world wide web

The reversibility of climate change

Academic presentations

Pros and cons of online school

The different forms of disciplinary action in high school

The varying educational system in Asian countries

How involved should parents be in a student’s education?

The convenience of smartphones as a tool for learning

Economic burdens of student loan debts

Balancing work and college

How to find a job for you after college?

Should a career in acting require a college degree?

Student budget strain and how to manage it


Best movies to watch on Netflix

Oscar-worthy movies of 2019

The influence of musicians in other industries

The timeless music of the Beatles

White Boy of the Month:Twitter’s most favorite young actors

YouTube Vloggers and Instagram Influencers as the new wave of celebrities

Disney’s pursuit of live action remakes.

Should celebrities be qualified to run for office?

Transwomen’s participation in Miss Universe competitions

Is CGI overhauling Hollywood movies?

Art and literature presentations

Art for art’s sake:is art mirroring reality?

American rapping as a form of poetry

The complexities of abstract art and how to understand it

Controversial sculptures

Art exhibits around the world

Virginia Woolf’s stream of consciousness–is it an effective storytelling method?

Should books have movie adaptations?

Is music and art important to society?

The best medium for reading books–physical books or eBooks?

Social media as a faster way of spreading art and music

Health and lifestyle presentations

The benefits of a high fiber and protein diet

How to take care of your mental health

Is a vegan diet good for you?

America’s obesity problem and how to solve it

How can gym memberships help you lose weight?

Is it time to drop smoking?

Fun ways to eat fruits and vegetables

Healthy benefits of a drinking water

Will running help you remain fit?

Is depression and anxiety stopping your productivity?

Sports presentations

Good tennis shoes for casual and sportswear

What are the benefits of being a sports active person?

Much-awaited 2020 Summer Olympics and who to look out for

The bad effects of performance enhancers and steroids in athletes

The best protein supplement shakes in the market

An athlete’s meal plan

Is cheer dance a sport?

Unhealthy and healthy competition among athletes

Do we need to say good-bye to crowd heckling in sports?

Should gym class and sports be mandatory in high school?

Environment presentations

How can big industries contribute to lessen carbon emission?

All the countries involved in the Paris Agreement

Plastic alternatives to help the environment

How can tree planting affect food security

Sustainable energy sources that can phase out coal

Controversial presentation topics

Pro-life or Pro-choice–your stance on abortion

Is Divorce necessary?

Death penalty for heinous crimes

Laws against discrimination on the basis of sex

Is institutional racism still existing?





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