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2020-11-28 21:00:01




读后续写的文体多属于记叙文,因此有必要练习记叙文的写作。下面这篇作文是高二的假期习作,题目是“我的第一份保姆工作”My Fist Job As A Baby-sitter,讲述自己做“保姆”照顾小孩子的经历。


My First Job As A Baby-sitter

My dream of being a kindergarten teacher flooded my brain for long. This summer, I decided to attend my 3 little cousins to gain some experience.

The moment I arrived at their house, they showed up like little angels. However, when they were offered a lovely doll, a fierce fight broke out.

The three girls, grabbing each other’s hair, acted like wild animals. I felt like a peace keeper in a field with howling cats. As time went by, my lack of action made the crowd even more uncontrollable.

I felt so fortunate when my aunt rushed into the house coming to my rescue. And within a few minutes, the three devils were under the control of their mother.

I could have let this chaotic day ruin my dream. Instead, it drove me to learn more about being a responsible baby sitter. No matter how difficult a task can be, I will never give up easily.


表弟妹起初很可爱,在作者的眼中是天使little angels,但是因为争玩具而翻脸,打起架来,天使瞬间变成了野兽、恶魔wild animals,情况变得不可控。作者使用比喻和对照的方法,如little angels, wild animals, howling cats和devils,以及a peace keeper,表示小孩子前后表现反差之大。

此外,为了避免重复,作者使用crowd来指代the three little cousins。故事描绘生动,用词丰富形象。后来幸亏孩子的母亲回来了,情况才得到控制。



Being 17 without working experience can be a disgrace, so when the chance to look after a little boy came, I thought it would be a useful way to earn some experience. I have always enjoyed playing with little children and longed for this job.

I really looked forward to my first day as a baby-sitter, but as soon as I got to the babies’ home, I began to regret. As their mother went away right after I arrived, they became devils. They kept crying the whole afternoon, saying one word again and again, “Mommy, mommy…”

At the beginning, they only shouted to bring back their mother, but afterwards, my lack of action fueled them, and they took hold of my long hair and broke the glasses on the table.

At last, I lost my temper and shouted, “Shut up, brats!” Unfortunately, their mother came back at this moment and she saw the mess and the crazy me! Fear flooded my brain, I couldn’t say a word.

After I went home, the mother’s blame was still reverberating in my mind. I could have let this worst day ruin my mood, but instead it drove me to strengthen my resolve. I still hope to become a successful baby-sitter, but now I know it is not an easy job and it calls for great patience and skills as well.

作者很擅长拿捏动词的使用,如:my lack of action fueledthem, and they took hold of my long hair, Fear flooded my brain, the mother’s blame was still reverberating in my mind。


1. 与所给短文及段落开头语的衔接程度;

2. 内容的丰富性和对所给关键词语的覆盖情况;

3. 应用语法结构和词汇的丰富性和准确性;

4. 上下文的连贯性。





英国流行病理学家John Snow如何攻克霍乱难关







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