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2020-11-30 00:30:01

HURT Synonym: Useful Synonyms for Hurt in English ”伤害的“同义词:英语中”伤害的“有用同义词

HurtSynonym! The list below shows different words you can use instead of HURT with meaning and examples. Learn synonyms for hurt with ESL picture to improve your English. 伤害同义词!下面的列表展示了不同的单词,你可以用它们来代替带有意思和例子的“HURT”。学习伤害的同义词与ESL图片,以提高你的英语。

HurtSynonym 伤害的同义词

List of Synonyms for Hurtin English 英语中“Hurt”的同义词列表

Abuse 滥用;虐待;辱骂Harm 伤害;危害;损害Wound 使受伤Offend 违反;进攻;引起不舒服Victimize 使受害;使牺牲;欺骗Mistreat 虐待Crush 压碎;弄皱,变形;使…挤入Injured 受伤的;受损害的Tortured 拷打;虐待(torture的过去分词);使扭曲Bleed 使出血;榨取Ache 疼痛;渴望Cut [机] 切割;削减;缩短;刺痛Damage 损害;损毁;赔偿金Disfigured 损毁…的外形;损害(disfigure的过去分词)Hurt Synonyms with Meaning and Examples 有意义和例子的同义词


Meaning: To make bad use of something, or to use so much of something that it harms your health 滥用某物,或过多使用某物而损害健康Example: He systematically abused his body with heroin and cocaine. 他系统地用海洛因和可卡因滥用他的身体。Harm

Meaning: To hurt or injure somebody or to damage something 伤害或伤害某人或损坏某物Example: He claimed that he had not intended to harm the girl. 他声称他并不打算伤害这个女孩。Wound

Meaning: To injure a part of the body, especially by making a hole in the skin using a weapon 伤害身体的一部分,特别是使用武器在皮肤上打洞Example: He was wounded in the arm. 他的手臂受了伤。Offend

Meaning: Feeling upset because of something said or done that is rude or embarrassing 因为说或做的事情很粗鲁或令人尴尬而感到不安Example: Emily looked rather offended. 艾米丽看起来很生气。Victimize

Meaning: To make somebody suffer unfairly because you do not like them, their opinions, or something that they have done 使某人遭受不公平的待遇,因为你不喜欢他们、他们的观点或他们所做的事情Example: The fat boy was victimized by his classmates. 那个胖男孩是同学们的牺牲品。Mistreat

Meaning: To treat a person or an animal in a cruel, unkind or unfair way 虐待以残忍、不友善或不公平的方式对待人或动物Example: These animals have been mistreated by their owners. 这些动物被它们的主人虐待过。Crush

Meaning: To press or squeeze something so hard that it is damaged or injured, or loses its shape 用力按压或挤压某物以致其损坏、受伤或失去形状Example: The car was completely crushed under the truck. 汽车被卡车压死了。Injured

Meaning: Physically hurt; having an injury 身体上的伤害;有一个受伤Example: Luckily, he isn’t injured. 幸运的是,他没有受伤。Tortured

Meaning: Suffering severely; involving a lot of suffering and difficulty 遭受严重;涉及很多苦难和困难Example: He fell into a tortured sleep. 他痛苦地睡着了。Bleed

Meaning: To lose blood, especially from a wound or an injury 失血失血,尤指因受伤或受伤而失血Example: My finger’s bleeding. 我的手指流血。Ache

Meaning: To feel a continuous dull pain 感到持续的钝痛Example: Her eyes ached from lack of sleep. 她的眼睛因睡眠不足而疼痛。Cut

Meaning: To make an opening or a wound in something, especially with a sharp tool such as a knife or scissors 切开在某物上切开或弄伤,尤指用锋利的工具如刀或剪刀Example: She cut her finger on a piece of glass. 她的手指被一块玻璃划破了。Damage

Meaning: To harm or spoil something/somebody 伤害或损坏某物/某人Example: This development will damage our chances of succeeding. 这种发展将破坏我们成功的机会。Disfigured

Meaning: To spoil the appearance of a person, thing or place 破坏某人、某物或某地方的外观Example: Her face was disfigured by a long red scar. 她的脸被一道长长的红色伤疤弄得面目全非。Synonyms for Hurt | Image 伤害|图像的同义词



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