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双语阅读|Better Practical Than Learned 实践胜于学识

2020-12-01 03:55:02

Four friends live in a village which has been struck by famine. Three of them are extremely clever and learned and consider their friend Shivanand as a lazy but practical fool.

四个好友同住在一个饱受饥荒困扰的村庄里。 其中三个人非常聪明且博学多才,他们认为他们的朋友希瓦南德是个懒惰却务实的傻瓜。

The four decide to go to a place called Manasa, which is considered an asylum for scholars. On their way, they have to pass through a forest. There they come across bones of a lion.

这四个人决定去一个叫做马娜萨的地方,那里被认为是学者们的避难所。 途中,他们必须穿过一片森林。 在那里他们碰到一头狮子的骨头。

asylum n. (政治) 庇护,避难; 精神病院;

Satyanand decides to show his knowledge by recreating the lion’s skeleton. The other friend reconstructs the lion’s muscles and structure. Vidyanand then wants to show his superior powers by breathing life into the lion.

萨蒂安南决定通过重建狮子的骨骼来展示他多么有学识。 另一个朋友则重建了狮子的肌肉和结构。 然后韦迪安南则想通过让狮子复活来展示他超凡的能力。

Shivanand tries to stop them and warns them of the consequences of their plans. But they do not stop. Shivanand climbs a tree before Vidyanand foolishly proceeds with his plans. The lion comes to life and devours the three learned fools.

希瓦南德试图阻止他们,并警告他们的计划会带来的后果。 但是他们并没有因此而停止。 希瓦南德爬上了一棵树,然后韦迪安南愚蠢地执行了他的计划。 于是狮子复活了,吞噬了三个博学的傻瓜。

devour v. (尤指因饥饿而) 狼吞虎咽地吃光;津津有味地看;如饥似渴地读;吞没;吞噬;毁灭。

Shivanand’s practical nature saves him.


沪江英语-在线学英语 考过四六级


Moral: It is better to be practical than learned.





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