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双语阅读|也许天不遂人愿 但做人做事还是要有坚定的信念

2020-12-01 05:00:01

Response to Atheist Request


atheist英[eθist] 美[eθist] n. 无神论者。

A man who was an atheist (Atheist is someone who doesn’t believe in God) went for trekking. On his way, he got lost deep in the dense forest. The man was trying to look for his way out from that forest and after walking a while he saw that there was a bear with his cubs at a distance from him.


trek 英[trek] 美[trek] n. 长途跋涉,艰难的旅程(尤指在山区); 远距离行走; v. (尤指徒步) 长途跋涉; (尤指在山中) 远足,徒步旅行。

cub 英[kb] 美[kb] n. (熊、狮、狐狸等的) 幼兽,崽; 幼童军(八至十或十一岁的男孩组成的童子军的一部分); 幼童军成员。

The bear was very large. Bear and its cubs seemed to be very hungry at that time. Bear started to move toward that man, the man got terrified. He screamed in terror and started to run away from the bear. He tried his best to ran away from the bear but eventually, he got exhausted and sank to his knees. Shakily man was just sitting there in fear.


Bear, seeing his prey, moved slowly towards the petrified man. Man eyes were filled with tears.


prey 英[pre] 美[pre] n. 猎物; 受害者; 受骗者; v. 捕食; 掠夺; 折磨。petrify 英[petrfa] 美[petrfa] v. 使吓呆; 使惊呆; (使) 石化。

Being an Atheist man couldn’t think about anything and utter words he never thought he would say ever all his life, “God Please Help me.!!”


Just when the man said these words, a flash of lightning appeared up in the sky. Clouds parted away and the forest fell silent. Everything around that man froze still and even bear froze still in a trance. Atheist stood there seeing all this.


in a trance 英[n trɑns] 美[n trns] 恍惚; 魂游象外; 魂遊象外; 发呆; 处于恍惚状态之中的。

A loud voice came from above and said, “You are an atheist and you seriously made me mad. You denied me all your life. Now when you are about to be eaten by a hungry bear, suddenly you are on your knees and begging for my help…? Is this a joke?”


The Atheist looked down and realized that he is in no position to argue. So he said, “I understand your point. It’s a bit late for me to convert.”


be in no position to 不可(能)…

He thought to himself, “What if God turns bear into a Believer and then it will not harm him.” and said to God, ” But what about bear?? Maybe you could convert bear instead.!!”


“Hmm. interesting. It shall be done.”, God replied. In an instant, the white light vanished and everything went back to normal.


After a while bear awoke and shook its head and had a completely different expression on its face, It was looking calm and at peace. The man felt relieved.


relieve 英[rliv] 美[rliv] v. 解除,减轻,缓和(不快或痛苦); 减轻(问题的严重性); 缓和; 缓解; 调剂; 使有趣;

After a while, he saw that bear closed its eyes and bowed its head to God and said, “Thank u, my Lord, for what we are about to receive. Thank you for the food you gave. Amen.”



Always think. What you Ask for. Because it’s not necessary that things will go the way you think it will happen.








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