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以这种方式走向世界的中国医生 原来英语都这么好?

2020-12-01 12:55:01

国务院新闻办公室在北京和湖北武汉同时举行国务院新闻办记者见面会,请北京协和医院援鄂医疗队的专家,在武汉的新闻发布厅介绍新冠肺炎重症的科学救治。请记者在北京的中宣部(国新办)新闻发布厅远程视频连线提问,见面会全程英文 。在国务院新闻办公室举行的记者见面会上,4名中国医生再次成为世界焦点,他们来自北京协和医院援鄂医疗队,通过视频连线,全程用英文向中外记者详细介绍了新冠肺炎重症救治情况,即便是复杂、专业的医学术语也能全程英文对答如流,让网友们齐呼“这样的医生真是稀世珍宝”。

记者:我的问题是,援助湖北医疗队为救治新冠肺炎患者做出了怎样的贡献?经历了数周的紧张工作后,你们最大的感想是什么?最想和我们分享的是什么?谢谢。Journalist: So my question is, what have health and medical assistance teams contributed in terms of treating COVID-19 patients in Hubei and Wuhan? And after weeks of intense work, what is on top of your mind right now? What would you like to share with us the most? Thank you.

回答:曹玮 北京协和医院感染内科副主任

【CAO Wei, Deputy Director of Infectious Disease Department, Peking Union Medical College Hospital】


I want to share some personal feelings. 17 years ago when the SARS came, I was still a medical student in college, and at that time, I was the one to be protected. And this time, I was able to come here with my teachers and seniors to fight together for my people and my country, I’m very proud of that.


Despite we have sacrificed a lot personally, but it all deserves. And at last I want to express my deep thanks and show respect for all the nurses that have been working with us.


Not like me, many of the nurses coming to Wuhan actually are very young generations. Most of them were born in 1990s with only remote memories of SARS Season. But when it came, they all stood out and came here. Without them, we wouldn’t have achieved so much, especially for these critical ill patients. So thank you very much!

回答:吴东 北京协和医院消化内科副主任医师

【WU Dong, Associate Senior Doctor of Gastroenterology Department, Peking Union Medical College Hospital】


5 weeks ago when I left Beijing for here, my 8-year-old daughter asked me: “Dad, why are you going to Wuhan?” To be honest, it was a question that I couldn’t quite answer at that time.


But last week, I had a patient in ICU, she was a 57-year-old woman. She whispered several words to me: “Doc, I don’t want to die. The end of this month is my daughter’s wedding day.”


At that very moment, at deep in my heart, I saw that many of our patients are parents too, and they love their own kids the same as I do.


And this also reminds me the novel by Marquez Love in the Time of Cholera. What I learnt from the novel is that human beings are mortal but love is not.


So why I came to Wuhan is not only about professionalism or responsibility, it is also about love. I love my daughter, I love my patients, and I love my country, I love humankind. As humankind, we are all in this together, and we will get through this together. Thank you.



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