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2020-12-03 04:35:01

23 Smart Ways to Say Goodbye in English 英语中用23种聪明的方式说再见

Learn different ways to say Goodbye in English. 学习用英语说再见的不同方法

Smart Ways to Say Goodbye 聪明的方式说再见



Example: Kitty waves and says, “Bye everyone”. 凯蒂挥手说:“大家再见”。Goodbye

Example: We just want to say goodbye to you. 我们只想跟你说再见Bye-bye

Example: Bye-bye, take care, now. 再见,现在保重Farewell

Example: This is a farewell party. 这是一个告别聚会Cheerio

Example: Cheerio! Have a good trip! 恭喜恭喜!祝你旅途愉快!See you

Example: Ok, see you tomorrow. 好的,明天见I’m out

Example: You guys are so noisy, I’m out. 你们太吵了,我出去了Take care

Example: Take care girls, have fun. 多保重,玩得开心Take it easy

Example: Take it easy, we should talk later. 放轻松,我们待会儿再谈I’m off

Example: Well whatever, I’m off to bed. 不管怎样,我要去睡觉了Gotta go!

Example: Come on, guys, we gotta go! 来吧,伙计们,我们得走了!Good night

Example: Good night! Have a sweet dream honey. 晚安!做个甜蜜的梦,亲爱的。Bye for now

Example: Bye for now, I will call you later. 再见,我稍后会打电话给你See you later

Example: I am busy now, see you later. 我现在很忙,稍后再见Keep in touch

Example: Keep in touch and talk to you soon. 保持联系并尽快与您联系Catch you later

Example: I have to go now—catch you later. 我现在必须走了 - 稍后赶上你See you soon

Example: See you soon. Jane 再见。简I gotta take off

Example: I can’t stay. I gotta take off. 我不能留下来。我得走了。Talk to you later

Example: I am tired so talk to you later. 我累了,待会儿再和你聊See you next time

Example: Sorry, I can’t stay anymore, see you next time. 抱歉,我不能再留下来,下次见Have a good one

Example: Sounds great, Tom. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Have a good one! 听起来不错,汤姆。我明天再和你谈。祝你玩得愉快!Have a good (nice) day

Example: Have a nice day, darling. 祝你有个愉快的一天,亲爱的I’ve got to get going/ I must be going

Example: I must be going now. 我现在必须走了Ways to Say Goodbye in English | Picture 用英语说再见的方法



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