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2020-12-03 06:15:01







Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text for each answer.

What are two things that are heightened to increase energy and hinder digestion?

首先,让我们确定问题中的关键词:increase energy和 hinder digestion。

你可能不知道“ hinder”一词的含义。不认识没关系,你可以从上下文中推断或猜测含义。另外,问题中还有其他关键字会帮助到你解题,因此在寻找答案时请使用它们。

Another piece of the introvert-extrovert puzzle has to do with the nervous system. Both introverts and extroverts use both sides of their nervous systems at different times, just like they use both neurotransmitters. But extroverts tend to favour the opposite side of the nervous system;the sympathetic side, known as the ‘fight, flight or freeze’ system. This side mobilises us to discover new things and makes us active, daring, and inquisitive. The brain becomes alert and hyper-focused on its surroundings. Blood sugar and free fatty acids are elevated to give us more energy, and digestion is slowed. Thinking is reduced, and we become prepared to make snap decisions.

因此,从段落中你可以看出 “digestion is slowed”所以hinder应该是类似于“变慢,阻碍”这样的意思。你可以从文章中给出的信息中推断出这一点。从digestion的语境中推断(根据上下文猜测)hinder的含义,其他不认识的词汇也是一样。


雅思阅读中我最常被问及的就是true /false/ not given这种题型。


Does the information in the statement match the information in the passage?

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this statement

那么,true,false或not given的含义具体来说到底是什么?


False: 文章提及,但含义和文本不一样

Not given文本完全未提及或未具体提及

Mozart created600 works → Mozart created hundreds of musical compositions = True

* 600对应的就是hundreds of。

False =提及,但含义不相同

Mozart began composing music at the age of 5→ Mozart started writing music when he was 7 years old = False



Mozart is an important and influential figure in classical music → Mozart is the most famous classical musician = Not Given.

*陈述了莫扎特对古典音乐的影响(influential ),但并不表示他是“the most famous”。没有提供此信息。


Many people enjoy swaying along to the music in a nightclub. For these extroverts a night spent dancing and talking to friends is a fun evening. But for introverts this is the stuff of nightmares. Small talk, dense crowds and loud music can be terrifying. Even partying at home with a group of friends, though fun, can be draining.Most of them would much rather be tucked up in reading a book. This is a primary difference between extroverts who on the one hand who feel energised from stimulating environments and interaction, and introverts on the other hand who feel drained and low in energy as a result of such situations.

Does the information in the statement match the information in the passage?

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this statement

7Introverts and extroverts rarely become friends with each other.

8Introverts are energised by socialising at home with friends.

第7题在文本中没有提及外向的人和内向的人如何交朋友,因而这个题目的答案应该是not given

第8题在文章中对应的句子是“Even partying at home with a group of friends, though fun, can be draining.”




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