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“迪伦中举”: 诺贝尔奖与圣母

2020-12-04 12:15:01



【修订说明】昨天推送后发现最后一部分套用模版时有一部分和上一篇重合了,翻译部分被覆盖了一段,“穿越”到 《黑镜》背后原来是他... | 纽约客英文精读 了,盯着看了一会儿,犯了强迫症,十五分钟后删除了,较真儿地今天重发一次,希望大家谅解、支持!

雅文 悦读




In the months leading up to the ceremony, there was copious chatter about the recipient of this year’s award for literature, the American musician Bob Dylan. The choice incited plenty of pearl clutching across the globe—people were miffed by the idea of a (supposedly) low art receiving validation by a group as historically high-minded and discerning as the Nobel Prize Committee. And besides, couldn’t a more obscure, non-Western author have been granted this colossal boost? Of course, critics have been bickering about Dylan’s academic bona fides since at least 1965, when Time published an entire treatise on the question of whether Dylan was “the literary voice of our time and a poet of high degree”.

Following the announcement, Dylan refused to publicly acknowledge receipt of the prize—a continuation, perhaps, of his willfully and delightfully obtuse approach to fame and accolades. Maybe it was a meta-commentary on the absurdity of institutional affirmations of art. It felt consistent, at least, with Dylan’s own self-mythologizing.

Has Dylan conferred great benefit to mankind? Listening to Smith sing his song—and watching as audience members, dressed in their finest, wiped their eyes, blindly reached for each other, seemed unable to exhale—the answer felt obvious. The answer was on their faces.

提醒Protect Your Eyes








In the months leading up to the ceremony, there was copious chatter about the recipient of this year’s award for literature, the American musician Bob Dylan. The choice incited plenty of pearl clutching across the globe—people were miffed by the idea of a (supposedly) low art receiving validation by a group as historically high-minded and discerning as the Nobel Prize Committee. And besides, couldn’t a more obscure, non-Western author have been granted this colossal boost? Of course, critics have been bickering about Dylan’s academic bona fides since at least 1965, when Time published an entire treatise on the question of whether Dylan was “the literary voice of our time and a poet of high degree”.



In the months leading up to the ceremony, there was copious chatter about the recipient of this year’s award for literature, the American musician Bob Dylan. The choice incited plenty of pearl clutching across the globe—people were miffed by the idea of a (supposedly) low art receiving validation by a group as historically high-minded and discerning as the Nobel Prize Committee.

copious chatter

联想chat“聊天”,chatter显然以chat为核心又比chat更多啰嗦,chatter是叽叽喳喳、喋喋不休、絮絮叨叨,作名词用不可数。如果用来描述牙齿,还可以指(因为寒冷活着恐惧)的打战。copious chatter,copious的意思相当于plentiful,每当有热点事件出现,其实微博和微信朋友圈里,也都是沸沸扬扬刷屏的copious chatter啊。

In the months leading up to the ceremony, there was copious chatter about the recipient of this year’s award for literature, the American musician Bob Dylan.



incited pearl clutching;miffed by

什么叫pearl clutching?


在这张老图中,一位穿着正式的女士明显是对什么事情做出了非常激烈的反应,这种反应多半是震惊,只见她长着嘴,瞪大眼,手紧紧地按住颈下的珍珠项链。好了,下次再看到pearl clutching或pearl clutch,你脑子里就浮现出这样一张图好了。

对pearl clutching最精简的解释是“震惊”,但是,这个释义没有能够完全传达出其全部文化意指更准确的说法是be shocked by something once-salacious that should now be seen as commonplace(此处是情态动词should表示震惊的用法“居然”):因某些曾被认为很下流的事物变得司空见惯而感到震惊。也就是说,pearl clutching是具有一定讽刺意指的,它常被用来说一些“老古董”(不见得说年龄大)见不惯年轻人的一些“轻浮”做法就特别容易被激怒、被冒犯、被震惊的样子。

比如CK的一款性感广告发布之后,就有专栏写到“inspire pearl-clutch-y local news stories across the nation” 意思就是说,“肯定又会在全国各地激起一片卫道士一般的新闻报道”。“卫道士”在中文里不是一个好词,它经常用来被描述一些本身虚伪又看不得众生的各种做法的那种人,这种人在英语中常备吐槽为professional pearl clutcher,也就是动不动就大惊小怪跳出来指责“世风日下”的那类人,其实...就是“圣母”的一种啊!

此处incite pearl clutching的incite其实就是“inspire pearl-clutch-y local news stories across the nation”里的inspire,都是“激起”。

这也是个关键用词,这篇文章看似中立,过程中对迪伦似乎也颇有微词,但是选词上可以看出,比起迪伦的获奖,作者更看不惯那些为了“大雅之堂被玷污了”而急得跳脚的人。而文章最后一段(以灰色选入)也能看出她总体上还是挺迪伦的。所以这句话中,你要理解“low art”和其他表述,都要有一点点的pearl clutcher代入感。

miffed这个状态就与pearl clutching呼应,被冒犯、被激怒了。

receiving validation;high-minded;discerning

valid大家很熟悉,表示有效的,有法律效力的,有道理的,等等。名词validation,可以表示对于“效果”、“能力”、“效力”等的“认可”。receive validation即“获得认可”,这个表达还是很好用的,因为可借鉴的场合比较多。特别注意这里后面的by,指的是受到了...的validation,也就是受到了...的认可。

注意这一段的people,“人们都觉得自己被miffed”了,显然并不代表所有people,此处的people were miffed,就是适用于pearl clutching描述的“人们”。当然绝不能说只要认为迪伦不配得奖的人就是一惊一乍的卫道士了,所以作者这一句后半部特别强调是持有“the idea of a (supposedly) low art receiving validation by a group as historically high-minded and discerning as the Nobel Prize Committee.”态度的人,high-minded就是“高尚的”、discerning就是“有鉴赏力的”。







In the months leading up to the ceremony, there was copious chatter about the recipient of this year’s award for literature, the American musician Bob Dylan. The choice incited plenty of pearl clutching across the globe—people were miffed by the idea of a (supposedly) low art receiving validation by a group as historically high-minded and discerning as the Nobel Prize Committee.



And besides, couldn’t a more obscure, non-Western author have been granted this colossal boost? Of course, critics have been bickering about Dylan’s academic bona fides since Time published an entire treatise on the question of whether Dylan was “the literary voice of our time and a poet of high degree”.

granted this colossal boost

首先,And besides这一句是接着在“黑”,读出来了吗?


“难道这莫大的鼓励(colossal boost)就不能授予(grant)一个不如迪伦有名气(more obscure)、不是西方人(non-Western)的作家吗?





当然作者并没有点名村上,实际上比迪伦more obscure的non-Western作家多了去了... 不过,迪伦队美国、对西方世界都是一个文化符号,Murakami Haruki(村上春树)这个名字在西方可不是人人喊得出来的,相对而言说他“美迪伦有名气”也绝对不过分。总之这里就是为了暗讽那些人,就算把奖评给除迪伦以外的大名人,还会有人说“怎么就不能评给小众一点的作家”?评给西方作家,就会有人说“都是西方人的游戏”。作者暗示,这些人总会找出道德制高点来“碾压”你的。

colossal boost,巨大的激励,在这里就是指诺贝尔奖这个“大奖”。

bickering about;bona fides;treatise

后一句则是说明了争议的另一个来源,也就是针对鲍勃迪伦本人,对他的“学术地位”,这争议(bickering about:争吵)本来就“古已有之”。早在上世纪60年代,《时代周刊》上曾经就发表过洋洋洒洒的大长文,来讨论和质疑“the literary voice of our time and a poet of high degree”(迪伦的歌词是能代表这个时代的文学之声吗,他算得上是一个高层次的诗人吗)。

这篇“大长文”在这篇文章里被作者称为treatise(针对某一研究课题的学术论文),有两个功能:一是在字面上呼应来“academic bona fides”,二是有讽刺意味,《时代周刊》当然不是发表学术论文的地方,其实暗地里是把时代周刊拿腔拿调地评说“迪伦的文学价值”的文章归为里pearl-clutching一类。

bona fides,拉丁语字面为“good faith”,现代英语中可以指“诚意”,在学术领域可以指证明某人能力和正当性的文件、又或是“资格”(credentials),如果一个人对人力资源主管问出:“Are you satisfied with my bona fides?” 他实际上就是在问:“你对我的能力证明、资历、资质还满意吗?”

这里说“bickering about Dylan’s academic bona fides”,即是对鲍勃迪伦是否有那么高的学术地位进行争论。


And besides, couldn’t a more obscure, non-Western author have been granted this colossal boost? Of course, critics have been bickering about Dylan’s academic bona fides since at least 1965, when

Time published an entire treatise on the question of whether Dylan was “the literary voice of our time and a poet of high degree”.



In the months leading up to the ceremony, there was copious chatter about the recipient of this year’s award for literature, the American musician Bob Dylan. The choice incited plenty of pearl clutching across the globe—people were miffed by the idea of a (supposedly) low art receiving validation by a group as historically high-minded and discerning as the Nobel Prize Committee. And besides, couldn’t a more obscure, non-Western author have been granted this colossal boost? Of course, critics have been bickering about Dylan’s academic bona fides since at least 1965, when Time published an entire treatise on the question of whether Dylan was “the literary voice of our time and a poet of high degree”.



Following the announcement, Dylan refused to publicly acknowledge receipt of the prize—a continuation, perhaps, of his willfully and delightfully obtuse approach to fame and accolades. Maybe it was a meta-commentary on the absurdity of institutional affirmations of art. It felt consistent, at least, with Dylan’s own self-mythologizing.

Has Dylan conferred great benefit to mankind? Listening to Smith sing his song—and watching as audience members, dressed in their finest, wiped their eyes, blindly reached for each other, seemed unable to exhale—the answer felt obvious. The answer was on their faces.



Following the announcement, Dylan refused to publicly acknowledge receipt of the prize—a continuation, perhaps, of his willfully and delightfully obtuse approach to fame and accolades.

willfully and delightfully obtuse approach


前半句的事情大家都知道了:在诺奖宣布之后,迪伦没有立即公开表示愿意接受奖项。注意措辞,不是refused receipt of the prize/refused to accept the prize,也就是说,刚刚宣布迪伦获奖那会儿,他可没有拒绝领诺贝尔文学奖(当时的确有很多媒体和自媒体在洋洋洒洒地写为什么迪伦要“拒绝“,随后又被残忍地打脸),他只是没有公开表态,这里的refuse取义更接近于withhold的“hold back a reation”的理解。这个“拒绝公开表态”可不是“公开拒绝表态”,其实就是没表态,当时他的态度说publicly unknown的,只有猜测而已。



obtuse的原意是“钝”的,所以不难想象它可以引申为“迟钝的”,“愚钝的”。看中文释义还看不出这个修饰关系有意思在哪里。英文释义:slow to understand things, in a way that is annoying(朗文);annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand things(牛津)。



另外一组修饰关系,其实有类似的:deliberately obtuse,这个表达特别像中国人说的“装傻”,不是迟钝或者愚钝,就是故意装反应迟缓,有一个例句:

he wondered if the doctor was being deliberately obtuse. 他真怀疑这医生说是在这儿故意装傻充愣(刁难他)呢。这里的wilfully obtuse就是deliberately obtuse,也就是说,迪伦并不是不知道名声的好,也并非对名气不感兴趣,作者认为迪伦的视名如土的形象是一种自我包装(原文有一句,我们未选入 ,也是在说明这个意思,因为不是选段,我就不多解释了:And it’s that narrative, after all—the one Dylan has written for himself—that’s perhaps literature in the truest sense. He is his most dynamic creation)。另外可以参照下一句话里的self-mythologizing,我们一会分析。

fame and accolades(名声和荣誉)


Following the announcement, Dylan refused to publicly acknowledge receipt of the prize—a continuation, perhaps, of his willfully and delightfully obtuse approach to fame and accolades.



Maybe it was a meta-commentary on the absurdity of institutional affirmations of art. It felt consistent, at least, with Dylan’s own self-mythologizing.

meta-commentary;absurdity of institutional affirmation of art

meta-commentary在此处只是一个比喻。所谓meta-commentary按字面理解就是a commentary on commentary,所以中文译“衍生评论”、“衍生注释”,字面来看,就是对某种评述做出评述,对某个注释作出注释,对一个评论再做评论。

这里说,或许迪伦的做法,是对the absurdity of institutional affirmations of art这个诠释做出的自己的诠释。(Maybe it was a meta-commentary的it指的是“refused to publicly acknowledge receipt of the prize”这件事。)你可以这么形象地去理解:



于是... 他在获奖消息出来以后,“沉住气”了一阵子。



It felt consistent, at least, with Dylan’s own self-mythologizing.





Maybe it was a meta-commentary on the absurdity of institutional affirmations of art. It felt consistent, at least, with Dylan’s own self-mythologizing.






Following the announcement, Dylan refused to publicly acknowledge receipt of the prize—a continuation, perhaps, of his willfully and delightfully obtuse approach to fame and accolades. Maybe it was a meta-commentary on the absurdity of institutional affirmations of art. It felt consistent, at least, with Dylan’s own self-mythologizing.

Has Dylan conferred great benefit to mankind? Listening to Smith sing his song—and watching as audience members, dressed in their finest, wiped their eyes, blindly reached for each other, seemed unable to exhale—the answer felt obvious. The answer was on their faces.


迪伦给世人带来过巨大的益处吗?听着史密斯(代迪伦领奖并表演的Patti Smith)唱着迪伦的歌,看着衣着华美的现场观众们随着她的演唱涕泪盈襟、泪眼朦胧不分是谁地彼此拥靠,似乎要喘不出气来(《我是歌手》观众席?),看着这一幕,答案是显而易见的。答案,就写在他们的脸上(不在风中飘荡了?)



七年级上册作文 八年级英语作文 英语作文 结尾 寒假的作文 目标作文 小猫作文 收获 作文 收获 作文 六年级下册第一单元作文500字 苦 作文 有你在我身后作文600字 弘扬中华优秀传统文化作文 关于春节的英语作文60词 成长路上的阳光作文600字 家庭大扫除作文500字 风景这边独好作文600字 幸福就在身边600字作文 温暖的旅程作文500字 九年级作文大全600字 逛庙会作文300字 愉快的寒假生活作文 写人的作文400字左右 成长类作文600字初中 一篇优秀作文300字 描写植物的作文300字 这儿真美作文300字 什么的自述作文 元宵节看花灯作文 关于寒假的英语作文 心得体会作文200字