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2020-12-04 19:40:01

一个周末夜晚,Steve 与他的好朋友们一起到酒吧喝酒聊是非,聊着聊着,气氛似乎有点冷却,于是 Steve 突发奇想,告诉大家…

Steve: Hey guys, I have an idea. How about playing a game?Steve: 大家,我有个想法,要不要一起来玩游戏?Jason: Good idea! Do you guys know Beer Pong?Jason: 好主意!你们知道 Beer Pong 吗?Steve: What is that? I have never heard of that before.Steve: 那是什么?我从来没有听过。Jason: Well, it’s really popular at American parties. I can explain it to all of you.Jason: 这在美国的派对很受欢迎,我可以跟大家说怎么玩。Steve: You bet.Steve: 当然。Jason: So, the very first thing we need to do is get things set up.We need a long table and at least twelve party cups half full of beer. Then, set those cups in a triangle on the both sides of the table. Lastly, we can form two teams with two people on each team.Jason: 第一件事情就是要把所有东西准备好,我们需要一张长桌和至少十二个装着半满啤酒的杯子。接着,把这十二个杯子分别在桌子的两端排好三角形。最后,我们就可以分组,两人一组。Steve: I see. Then, what are the rules?Steve: 我懂了,那游戏规则呢?Jason: So here are the rules. Each team will have two ping-pong balls, and each team takes turns to shoot the ball into the opponent’s beer cups. And if one team succeeds, the opponent shall drink that cup of beer and the cup shall be removed from the table. The first team to eliminate all of their opponent’s cups is the winner.Jason: 那游戏规则要开始啰!每一队会有两个乒乓球,而各队轮流把手上的球丢进另一队的杯子里,如果其中一队成功丢进,另一队就要把被丢进的那杯啤酒喝光然后把杯子拿走。最先消灭玩对手杯子的队伍就获胜。Steve: Wow, sounds interesting. Let’s get started! Hey, Jason, Let’s team up together!Steve: 哇,听起来很有趣,我们开始玩吧!欸,Jason,我要跟你一组!Jason: You wish!Jason: 你想得美!

get things set up 把事情准备好

喝酒玩游戏之前,一定要先把酒杯或是需要的东西准备好,而 set up 这个词组有「建立,安排」的意思,「get sth. + p.p. 」这个句型有「把某事处理到某种状态」的意思,例如:get it done (把它处理好),因此 get things set up 就是「把事情准备好」的意思。

We need to get things set up before the meeting, or our boss will be really mad.我们要在开会之前把事情都准备好,不然老板会很生气。

half full of 半满的…

不管在玩游戏或是一般喝酒,有时候我们不想喝一整杯,只要半杯就好,用英文该怎么表达呢?这时候就可以用到 (be) full of 这个词组,表示「充满…」,若要表示半满,则在 full 前加上 half (一半的) 这个形容词即可。在这个对话中,原本句型是,We need a long table and at least twelve party cups(that are) half full of beer.。

Please prepare ten cups half full of water.请准备十个半杯水。

here are the rules 规则开始

玩游戏之前不一定大家都清楚游戏规则,若你要开始讲解游戏规则时,开头可以怎么说呢?你可以用 here are the rules,这是倒装句,「地方副词 + be动词/一般动词 + 主词」的句型。

Here goes nothing!虽然不确定结果,但姑且试试看吧!

team up (phr.) 组队

玩游戏有时候要分组,相信大家对 team 这个名词不陌生,它是「队伍」的意思,而 team 除了可以当名词,也可以当动词,而动词词组 team up 就表示「组队」,下次不管是在球场或玩游戏都可以试试看这个词组。

I’ve teamed up with Max to do this project.我已经跟 Max 组一队一起做这个专案。

Steve: Oh my god, Beer Pong was so thrilling!Steve: 天阿,Beer Pong 真的超好玩!Jason: See! I told you it would be a lot of fun.Jason: 看吧!我就说会很好玩。Steve: Hold on. I have come up with another game also related to cups, it called “Flip Cup.” Has anyone heard of it before?Steve: 等一下,我又想到另外一个游戏了,叫做 Flip Cup。Mark: I’ve played that before, and I totally love it! Let’s do this!Mark: 我之前有玩过,我超喜欢的!我们来玩吧!Jason: Wait, I’ve never played that before. Can someone tell me how to play?Jason: 等一下,我从来没玩过,可以有人告诉我应该怎么玩吗?Mark: Let me teach you. So first, just like Beer Pong, it is a team-based game, but the limit on the number of peopleis six. Then, we will line up cups filled with beer along both sides of the rectangular table.Mark: 让我来教你吧!首先,就像 Beer Pong 一样,这是一个分组的游戏,但每队不能超过六个人。然后我们会在桌子两侧排好装好啤酒的杯子。Steve: That’s right. These are the rules: Everyone shall yell “Go” to begin the game, and the first person on each team needs to drink as fast as they can. When they have finished their beer, they set their empty cup on the table, open side up, then try to flip the cup to make the open side down.Steve: 没错,游戏规则是这样,当所有人喊「开始」,队伍的第一个人就可以开始喝啤酒,喝得越快越好,而当他喝完之后,将空杯子放在桌上,杯口朝上,试着将杯子弹起使杯口朝下。Mark: Just remember, only after the first person has successfully flipped the cup can the second person start drinking and flip their cup. And the first team to finish flipping is the winner. Each person on the losing team needs to drink one shot.Mark: 要记得,只有当第一个人成功弹起杯子使杯口朝下,第二个人才能开始喝酒跟弹杯子。第一个完成的队伍即获胜,输的那队每人将被罚一杯 shot。Jason: I can’t wait to play this game! Get ready to be defeated, Steve!Jason: 我迫不及待要开始玩了,等着输吧!Steve!

thrilling (adj.) 刺激的

跟一群朋友一起喝酒玩游戏就是好玩刺激啊!这时候你除了可以用 exciting 这个形容词之外,也可以用 thrilling。thrilling 是形容词,表示「刺激的」,主词通常是事物,而如果主词是人,则要用过去分词形 thrilled (感到兴奋的)。

The party last night was so thrilling; I really love it!昨晚的派对超疯狂的,我超爱!

the limit on the number of people 人数限制

不管是分组或是去参观博物馆,有时候都有人数的限制。limit 就是「限制」的意思,动名词同形,常搭配介词 on,后面加上 the number of people (人数),组合起来就是「人数限制」的意思。

There is a limit on the number of people allowed inside this museum.这间博物馆有人数的限制。

line up (phr.) 排队

line 可当名词,表示「队伍」,也可当动词表示「沿着…形成一排」,常用动词词组 line up 表示「排队;排成一直线」,而这个词组不只可以用在人,也可以用在把东西排成一直线,就像在喝酒游戏中将酒杯排成一直线就可以用到这个词组。

Please line up to get into the museum.要进入博物馆的人请排队。

the open side of a cup 杯口

你是不是很好奇用来喝酒的杯口英文怎么说呢?大家熟知的 open 就是「开放的,打开的」的意思,那杯口就是杯子「打开的那一面」,也就是 the open side of a cup。

Please turn the open side of your cup down when you finished drinking.喝完后请将杯口朝下。



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