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2020-12-05 06:10:01

How much do you know about the Olympics

总所周知,英语语言教学的背后离不开文化的了解和认识,新版高中英语课程标准中,其教学目标中强调的是学生的文化品格能力的培养,指出:文化品格是指对中外文化的理解和对优秀文化的认同, 是学生在全球化背景下表现出的文化意识、人文修养和行为取向。强调文化品格的培养, 有助于帮助学生加强国际理解, 增强国家认同感和家国情怀, 学会做人做事, 成长为有文化修养和社会责任感的人。另外, 文化品格还包括学生在英语学习过程中表现出来的情感、态度和价值观。

高中英语必修2-Unit 2 The Ancient Olympic Games 以奥运会为主题, 本单元的中心话题是“奥运会”,所有的活动设计都是围绕着它进行的。因此,作为高中英语教师,了解其奥运背后的文化尤为重要。下面小编通过搜集、筛选、整理,最后归纳出了大量与奥运相关的英文版信息资源,愿与教师们分享,供高中英语教师备课选择性使用。

I. The Ancient Greek Olympic Games

They were held every four years in Olympia, Greece. This place was chosen because it was more or less in the center of the Greek world. Only Greek free-born citizens could take part. Slaves were prevented from competing. The games were held in a four-year cycle at Olympia. There were other games held at two-year or four-year intervals: the Isthmian Games held at Corinth , the Nepean Games held at Nepean and the Python Games held at Delphi. Most athletes competed in several competitions but the Olympic Games remained the most important. In the same way today athletes take part in the Asia Games or the Common wealth Games, but the Olympic Games remain the most important for all athletes.

Only men and boys could compete in the athletics in the Ancient Olympic Games. Women could take parting cha riot races with horse but this was the only time they could join in. Married women were not even allowed to watch the Games, or only young girls, boys and men could watch. Married women who did try to watch could be put to death.

Athletes trained hard. Many Greeks believed that developing the body was as important as educating the mind. So regular exercise was an important part of school life. Young boys practiced in the palaestra (or wrestling school) and this was a place where people met their friends. After exercise they would clear themselves by rubbing oil over their bodies and scraping off with a special knife called a strigil.

The winners got wreaths made of olive leaves. They did not receive money but they could get presents from their hometowns. Some towns fed their winners or gave them good seats at the theatre. One city even built a private gymnast stadium for their winners.

The Olympic judges came from a special part of Greece called Elis. The Eleans were well-known for their fairness so everybody was happy about this. Cheating was seen as very bad and people were fined money or not allowed to take part in the Games.

Many of the events in the Ancient Olympic Games are part of the modern events in the present-day Olympic Games; boxing, running, wrestling ( or judo) and the pentathlon ( or five events together) which included running, jumping, wrestling and throwing of javelin and discus. There were also separate running races which could be short and fast or long and slow. The marathon was not part of the Ancient Olympic Games. But there were two sets of events ( the chariot races, which included races with two horses, and the pan ration, which was a mixture of wrestling and boxing. You could punch and kick but not bite. It was described by a Greek writer as “the new and terrible contest ” .





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