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2020-12-05 17:55:01


The power of play


Virtually every child, the world over, plays. The drive to play is so intense that children will do so in any circumstances, for instance when they have no real toys, or when parents do not actively encourage the behavior. In the eyes of a young child, running, pretending, and building are fun. Researchers and educators know that these playful activities benefit the development of the whole child across social, cognitive, physical, and emotional domains. Indeed, play is such an instrumental component to healthy child development that the United Nations High Commission on Human Rights (1989) recognized play as a fundamental right of every child.


Yet, while experts continue to expound a powerful argument for the importance of play in children ’ s lives, the actual time children spend playing continues to decrease. Today, children play eight hours less each week than their counterparts did two decades ago (Elkind 2008). Under pressure of rising academic standards, play is being replaced by test preparation in kindergartens and grade schools, and parents who aim to give their preschoolers a leg up are led to believe that flashcards and educational ‘toys’ are the path to success. Our society has created a false dichotomy between play and learning.

然而,尽管专家们不断地极力阐明游戏在儿童生活中的重要性,但是儿童实际用来进行游戏的时间却在持续减少。如今,儿童每周用来游戏的时间比 20 年前少了 8 小时(Elkind 2008)。 在不断提高的学业标准的压力下,游戏在幼儿园和小学中正被准备考试代替,那些希望帮助自己的学龄前孩子提高的家长们被引导相信,抽认卡和具有教育意义的“玩具”才是通向成功的路径。我们的社会在游戏和学习之间创造了一种错误的对立关系。

Through play, children learn to regulate their behavior, lay the foundations for later learning in science and mathematics, figure out the complex negotiations of social relationships, build a repertoire of creative problem-solving skills, and so much more. There is also an important role for adults in guiding children through playful learning opportunities.


Full consensus on a formal definition of play continues to elude the researchers and theorists who study it. Definitions range from discrete descriptions of various types of play such as physical, construction, language, or symbolic play (Miller & Almon 2009), to lists of broad criteria, based on observations and attitudes, that are meant to capture the essence of all play behaviors (e.g. Rubin et al. 1983).

研究游戏的学者和理论家依然没有就游戏的正式定义达成完全一致的意见。这些定义从对各种游戏类型的独立描述,例如感觉运动、结构性、语言或象征性游戏(Miller&Almon 2009),到基于观察和态度的一系列宽泛标准,这些标准旨在抓住一切游戏行为的本质(如 Rubin et al. 1983)。

A majority of the contemporary definitions of play focus on several key criteria. The founder of the National Institute for Play, Stuart Brown, has described play as‘anything that spontaneously is done for its own sake’. More specifically, he says it ‘appears purposeless, produces pleasure and joy, [and] leads one to the next stage of mastery’ (as quoted in Tippett 2008). Similarly, Miller and Almon (2009) say that play includes‘activities that are freely chosen and directed by children and arise from intrinsic motivation’. Often, play is defined along a continuum as more or less playful using the following set of behavioral and dispositional criteria (e.g. Rubin et al. 1983):

当前多数有关游戏的定义都集中在一些核心标准上。国家游戏协会的建立者 Stuart Brown,将游戏描述为“只为其本身考虑的、自发进行的行为”。更具体地来说,他认为游戏“没有目的,产生快乐和愉悦,(并)引导一个人进入下一个掌握能力的阶段”(引用自 Tippett 2008)。类似地,Miller 和 Almon(2009)认为游戏包括“由儿童自由选择和进行并由内在动机所引起的活动”。通常,游戏的定义伴随着一个有关游戏程度的连续体,并使用下面这一套“行为和意向的标准”(如 Rubin et al 1983):

Play is pleasurable: Children must enjoy the activity or it is not play. It is intrinsically motivated: Children engage in play simply for the satisfaction the behavior itself brings. It has no extrinsically motivated function or goal. Play is process oriented: When children play, the means are more important than the ends. It is freely chosen, spontaneous and voluntary. If a child is pressured, they will likely not think of the activity as play. Play is actively engaged: Players must be physically and/or mentally involved in the activity. Play is non-literal. It involves make-believe.


According to this view, children’s playful behaviors can range in degree from 0% to 100% playful. Rubin and colleagues did not assign greater weight to any one dimension in determining playfulness; however, other researchers have suggested that process orientation and a lack of obvious functional purpose may be the most important aspects of play (e.g. Pellegrini 2009).

根据这种观点,儿童游戏行为的程度可以从 0%到 100%不等。Rubin 和同事们定义游戏时并没有更强调其中任何一个方面;然而,其他研究者认为过程导向和没有明显的功能性目的可能是游戏最重要的特征(如 Pellegrini 2009)。

From the perspective of a continuum, play can thus blend with other motives and attitudes that are less playful, such as work. Unlike play, work is typically not viewed as enjoyable and it is extrinsically motivated (i.e. it is goal oriented). Researcher Joan Goodman (1994) suggested that hybrid forms of work and play are not a detriment to learning; rather, they can provide optimal contexts for learning. For example, a child may be engaged in a difficult, goal-directed activity set up by their teacher, but they may still be actively engaged and intrinsically motivated. At this

mid-point between play and work, the child’s motivation, coupled with guidance from an adult, can create robust opportunities for playful learning.

从一个连续体的角度来看,游戏可以与其他不那么具有游戏性的目的或态度结合,例如工作。与游戏不同,工作通常被认为是无趣的,它是由外在动机驱动的(例如,它是目标导向的)。 研究者 Joan Goodman(1994)指出工作和游戏的混合形式并不会妨碍学习;相反,这种形式可以提供最佳的学习环境。例如,一名儿童可能会参与一项由老师设置的、困难的且目标导向的活动,但他们依然可能主动参与并且是出于内在动机的。在游戏和工作的中间点,儿童的动机,与来自成年人的指导一起,可以建立游戏化学习的良好机会。

Critically, recent research supports the idea that adults can facilitate children’s learning while maintaining a playful approach in interactions known as ‘guided play’ (Fisher et al. 2011). The adult’s role in play varies as a function of their educational goals and the child’s developmental level (Hirsch-Pasek et al. 2009).

很重要的是,最近研究支持的观点是成年人可以在互动中通过保持游戏化的方法促进儿童的学习,这种方法被称为“引导式游戏”(Fisher et al.2011)。成年人在游戏中的角色随着他们教育的目标以及儿童的发展水平会产生不同(Hirsch-Pasek et al.2009)。

Guided play takes two forms. At a very basic level, adults can enrich the child’s environment by providing objects or experiences that promote aspects of a curriculum. In the more direct form of guided play, parents or other adults can support children’s play by joining in the fun as a co-player, raising thoughtful questions, commenting on children ’ s discoveries, or encouraging further exploration or new facets to the child’s activity. Although playful learning can be somewhat structured, it must also be child-centered (Nicolopolou et al. 2006). Play should stem from the child’s own desire.

引导式游戏有两种形式。在一个非常基础的层面上,成年人可以通过提供促进一门课程各方面的物品和经历来丰富儿童的游戏情境。在引导式游戏更直接的形式中,家长和其他成年人可以通过下面的方式支持儿童的游戏:作为合作玩家加入游戏,提出引人思考的问题,对孩子们的发现进行评论,或是鼓励儿童活动的进一步探索或新的角度。尽管游戏化学习可以在一定程度上被精心安排,但它也必须是以儿童为中心的(Nicolopolou et al.2006)。游戏应该源于儿童自身的渴望。

Both free and guided play are essential elements in a child-centered approach to playful learning. Intrinsically motivated free play provides the child with true autonomy, while guided play is an avenue through which parents and educators can provide more targeted learning experiences. In either case, play should be actively engaged, it should be predominantly child-directed, and it must be fun.




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