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自信面对雅思口语考试 雅思高频词汇之天气类少不了!

2020-12-05 22:15:01



1、Examiner: What’s the weather like in your country?(雅思考官:你们国家的天气怎么样?)

luca: It’s quite changeable really … we have periods of time with clear blue skies then all of a sudden we’ll have torrential rain.(卢卡:天气变化无常........,有时晴空万里,突然下起倾盆大雨。)


2、Examiner: Which months have the best weather in your country?


Ernst: Well … I suppose it’s a matter of personal taste really … I like it around the end of October and November … I’m not fond of the heatwaves we often get during the summer … it’s not freezing cold during these months and we still get lots of sunny spells.


3、xaminer: Does it bother you much when it rains?(Xaminer:下雨的时候你会很烦吗?)

Junko: It depends … if I get caught in the rain and I get drenched I don’t like it … but I’m a gardener so a drop of rain is good for my plants.







I was studying English in a language school a few years ago … we were in Cornwall in the UK … we’d been enjoying lovely sunny days … not a cloud in the sky … when all of a sudden there was a change in the weather … we were in town walking around the shops when it started to pour down …

I’d never seen such heavy rain before … within about 10 minutes the roads were full of water … I think they call it a flash flood … it was like being in the middle of a tropical storm … the water was almost up to my knees … the weather

forecast hadn’t predicted it so everyone was taken by surprise … I’m not sure you could call it ‘extreme’ weather as a few hours later it started to clear up … the sun came out and slowly the water level went down … but a lot of people’s houses

were flooded so it would have been extreme for them … I found it all quite exciting … in my country we generally have a very mild climate and don’t often get floods like this so it was quite an experience for me.



Examiner: Do you think the weather affects how people feel?

Tierre: Absolutely … yes … I don’t mind the occasional cold spell but I think the winter months can make you feel down. I hate having to leave the house in the winter …

there’s often a thick fog every morning and we sometimes get bitterly cold winds … the winter certainly makes me feel a little depressed … though having said that … it’s always nice to see the town covered in a blanket of snow.

Examiner: Do you think the weather is changing due to global warming?

Ceri: I don’t know if it’s due to global warming or not but the weather in my country is certainly changing … we’ve been getting quite mild winters lately … the temperatures are sometimes below freezing but only occasionally … and then during the summer it can get boiling hot with a lot of older people even suffering from heatstroke.

Examiner: In which ways are weather forecasts useful?

Sinita: Well … if you’re planning a trip or going on holiday it’s important to know whether you’ll need to dress up warm or take an umbrella … farmers need to know what the long-range forecast is so they can plan their work … I suppose people who organise outside events need to know as well in case things get rained off.


· to be below freezing: below zero degrees Celsius

· bitterly cold: very cold and unpleasant

· a blanket of snow: a complete covering of snow

· boiling hot: very hot (informal)

· changeable: weather that often changes


· a change in the weather: when weather conditions change

· clear blue skies: a sky without clouds

· to clear up: when clouds or rain disappear

· to come out (the sun): when the sun appears out of a cloudy sky

· a cold spell: a short period of cold weather

· to dress up warm: to wear warm clothes to protect yourself against wintry conditions

· a drop of rain: a little bit of rain

· a flash flood: a sudden and severe flood

· freezing cold: very cold (informal)

· to get caught in the rain: to be outside when it rains unexpectedly

· to get drenched: to get very wet

· heatstroke: a serious condition caused by being too long in hot weather

· a heatwave: a period of very hot weather

· heavy rain: intense rainfall

· long-range forecast: the weather forecast for several days or weeks ahead

· mild climate: a climate without extreme weather conditions

· mild winter: a winter that isn’t particularly cold

· not a cloud in the sky: see ‘clear blue skies’ above

· to pour down: to rain heavily

· to be rained off: to be cancelled or postponed due to poor weather

· sunny spells: short periods of sunny weather

· thick fog: a dense fog that makes visibility very poor

· torrential rain: see ‘heavy rain’ above

· tropical storm: a storm typical of ones that you find in tropical climates

· weather forecast: a TV/radio programme or section in a newspaper/magazine which predicts weather conditions




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