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2020-12-06 12:55:01

List of Car Parts | Parts of A Car Vocabulary in English 英语中汽车零件词汇

The car consists of many different car parts with many functions. 汽车由许多不同的汽车部件组成,具有多种功能。

A caror automobile is a wheeled motor vehicle used for transportation. Most definitions of car say they run primarily on roads, seat one to eight people, have four tires, and mainly transport people rather than goods. 汽车是一种轮式交通工具。大多数汽车的定义说,它们主要在公路上行驶,可容纳一到八个人,有四个轮胎,主要是运送人而不是货物。

Car Parts Vocabulary in English 汽车零件英语词汇


– The headlighton the near side isn’t working. 近侧的前照灯不工作。


– She glanced at herself in the mirror. 她在镜子里瞥了一眼自己。


– Do you mind if I open the windowof this car? 你介意我打开这辆车的车窗吗?

Trunk (US)/ Boot (UK)

– The police found his body in the trunkof a car. 警察发现他的尸体在汽车后备箱里。

Brake light

– I will also make sure that mybrake lights are operating properly. 我还要确保刹车灯正常运转。

Tire (US)/ Tyre (UK)

– A nail pierced the tireof his car. 钉子刺穿了他汽车的轮胎。


– Now I lock my car doorswhen I drive through town. 现在,当我开车穿过小镇时,我锁上了车门。


– Along with a new wheel design, new hubcapswere introduced. 随着新的车轮设计,新的轮毂罩被引入。

Gas tank (US)/ Petrol tank (UK)

– Please fill up the gas tank. 请把油箱加满。

Windshield (US)/ windscreen (UK)

– It is dangerous to drive with a dirty windshield. 用脏挡风玻璃驾驶是危险的。

Hood (US)/ Bonnet (UK)

– I’ll need to check under the bonnet. 我需要在发动机罩下检查。


– The stone made a dent in the roofof my car. 这块石头在我的车顶上留下了凹痕。

Turn signal/ Blinker

– We use turn signal when turning or changing lanes. 我们在转弯或换车道时使用转向灯。


– She started the car with a jerk and hit the bumperof the car in front. 她猛地发动汽车,撞在前面汽车的保险杠上。

Door handle

– My hand groped for the door handle.我的手摸索着找门把手。

Rear-view mirror

– She glanced in the rear-view mirror and saw the headlight of the traffic behind her. 她瞥了一眼后视镜,看到她身后的车灯。

Windshield wiper (US)/ Windscreen wiper (UK)

– The windshield wipers kept noisily slapping the body of the car. 挡风玻璃的雨刷不停地砰砰地敲打着车身。

License plate (US)/ Number plate (UK)

– Did anyone see the car’slicense plate? 有人看到那辆汽车的牌照了吗?

Parts of A Car Vocabulary | Picture 部分汽车词汇|图片



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