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2020-12-06 17:40:01





明显的否定关系特色词汇:no, not, none, neither, never, deny等。

隐含的否定关系特色词汇: fail to, absence from, lack(of), refuse to, little, few。

例、I write to my parents every month./I never fail to write to my parents every month./He is little known as an artist./He is not a famous artist

在此需注意的三个否定后缀:-less、hatless: not wearing a hat;-free、salt-free: without salt;-proof、a bulletproof car: a car designed not to be harmed by bullets。


表示“导致”的词:cause, lead to, make,render, stimulate, spur, spark, push, motivate, prompt, be responsible to。

例:Too much work and too little rest often lead to illness./Your action has rendered our contract invalid.

表示“由…而来”的词:derive from, result from, come from, originate from, initiate from.

例:His illness resulted from bad food.


自身含有最高级含义的词:maximum, favorite, outstanding, top...

例:The maximum speed of this car is 150 miles per hour

比较级表示最高级:I've never heard a better voice./China is larger than any of the other countries in Asia./George did more work than anyone else/I like nothing better than swimming.



表因果关系词:because(of), since, for, as, due to, owing to, In that, so(that), therefore, thus, hence, as a result, consequently...

例:We didn't know what to do as we were just visiting there./The delay is owing to the crowded traffic./This book is different from that book in that this one is about chemistry and that one about history.


表示并列关系词:likewise,in (much) the same way,similarly/similar to,vice versa,also/as well as,not only … but also …,both … and …, neither … nor …, like/just like, equally,or/and。

表示转折关系词:but/yet, however, in contrast (to), conversely, though/although, nevertheless, in spite of/despite, on the contrary, even if/even though, instead (of), different from/differ from, while。



下面我们来看一个例子:The extreme seriousness of desertification results from the vast areas of land and the tremendous numbers of people affected, as well as from the great difficulty of reversing or even slowing the process.

上面这句话就是一个高亮的句子,我们来看一下对应的 4 个选项:

A. Desertification is a significant problem because it is so hard to reverse and affects large areas of land and great numbers of people.

B.Slowing down the process of desertification is difficult because of population growth that has spread over large areas of land.

C. The spread of deserts is considered a very serious problem that can be solved only if large numbers of people in various countries are involved in the effort.

D.Desertification is extremely hard to reverse unless the population is reduced in the vast areas affected.

按照逻辑解题法的步骤,首先我们先分析一下原句,找到主干逻辑。很明显,这句话主语是 The extreme seriousness,谓语 results from,后面 as well as from 与前面并列,连接了并列宾语,所以这句话的主干逻辑就是 “result from” 所表现出来的因果关系。第二步查看选项,我们可以直接排除 C D 两个选项,C 选项因果关系缺失,D 选项中 “unless” 表示句子逻辑关系,中文释义为“除非”,不是因果,所以 D 选项也没有因果概念。答案应该在 A B 之中选择。第三步对应逻辑关系主要承接对象,选定最终答案。原句中 “result from” 前面的部分是结果部分,而 B 选项 “because of” 前面表示结果的部分跟原文中不一致,排除。A 选项的结果部分与原句的结果部分一致。所以选 A。最后,做完题还应进行验证。看这个题目选的这句话跟原文那句话的意思是否一致,规避一些基本的小错误。


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  1. 2021-01-05 12:54空心竹[北京市网友]IP:1731901065


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