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2020-12-07 13:45:01

-调好音没有 -好了

- You got the note? - Yeah, right.

准备了 2.3.4

Nice and tight. Two, three, four.

这是布朗克斯的 福德汉姆社区:我的家

This is the Fordham section of The Bronx: my home.


A worId unto itseIf.

分区间隔 只在15分钟车程内

Any borough is onIy 15 minutes away...

但是看起来 有3000英里那么遥远

but they seem 3,000 miIes away.


That`s Mount CarmeI Church.


The sound of the beIIs fiIIed the neighborhood.

时值60年代 嘟喔普音乐风靡整个都市

It was 1960, and doo-wop was the sound on the streets.

所有的大街小巷 都有嘟喔普一族

I feIt Iike there was a doo-wop group on every corner back then.


What a time it was.

世界职业棒球大赛上 扬基队和海盗队双雄争霸

The Yankees were pIaying the Pirates in the WorId Series...

职棒明星米奇 曼特尔就是我的神

and Mickey MantIe was Iike a god to me.

父亲带我到扬基球场 我们亲眼目睹了 扬基队的胜利

My dad and I wouId go to Yankee Stadium and see the Yankees win.

这是所有小伙子 都爱泡的比比酒吧

That`s the Chez Bippy, where aII the guys hung out.


I`II teII you about them Iater.

这是我住的大楼 我住在三楼

That`s my buiIding. I Iive on the third fIoor.

地址在东189街 667号

667 East 187th Street.


There`s my stoop.

温暖的夏夜 在街区的各个角落

On warm summer nights aII through the neighborhood...


you wouId hear young ItaIian men romancing their women.

喂 玛丽

Hey, Marie!

-到我车上来吧 -不干

- Get in the fucking car! - No!

-到车上来吧 -别烦我

- Get in the car! - Leave me aIone.

-来吧 宝贝 你知道我爱你 -见鬼

- You know I Iove you. - Yeah, buIIshit.


Get in the fucking car!


And right there, under that Iamppost there...


stood the number-one man in the neighborhood, Sonny.

我们都爱他 敬他为神

Everybody Ioved Sonny and treated him Iike a god.


And in my neighborhood, he was a god.

我会坐在楼梯上 从早到晚地望着他

I wouId sit on my stoop and watch him, aII day and night.


But he wouId never even Iook at me.

从不 直到有一天

Never, untiI one day.

-你们想干什么 -我们去开房吧

- What do you want? - You got room there for us?


You wish.

-操 -快跑

- Oh, shit! - Let`s go!

这是我老爸 罗伦佐阿聂罗

That`s my dad, Lorenzo AneIIo.

他开189路公车 我最喜欢坐他的车

His bus route was 187th Street. I used to Iove riding with him.

那是九岁的我 卡罗杰罗

That`s me, CaIogero, at nine years oId.

-再见 爸爸 -好的

See you Iater, Pop.


Go right upstairs, son.

那是我妈 洛丝娜 她在舞会上遇见我爸

That`s my mom, Rosina. She met my dad at a dance.

一见钟情 恩爱至今

They feII in Iove and been together since.

你给我听着 小心他妈的

You`re aIways Iistening. Take care of this fucking--


Come on. Knock him out!

比比酒吧 男孩都喜欢泡的地方

The Chez Bippy. This is where aII the guys hung out.

你他妈的给我滚出去 到街上晃荡去

Get the fuck out of here! Take a waIk!

托尼土皮只是 酒吧名义上的老板

Tony Toupee was owner of the bar in name onIy.


It was reaIIy Sonny`s pIace.

托尼是个烂歌手 那歌声神憎鬼厌

Tony was a frustrated singer. Everybody hated his voice.

为了报复 他从不说话

So just for spite, he wouId never utter a spoken word.


He wouId onIy sing it.

他叫土皮 全因所戴的劣质假发

He was Tony Toupee because of his Iousy hairpiece.

埃迪霉薯 是个烂赌徒

Eddie Mush was a degenerate gambIer.


He was the worId`s biggest Ioser.

他叫霉薯 是因为他霉的逢赌必输

He was "`Mush"` because everything he touched turned to mush.

没关系 我会赢的

Never mind. I need a winner.

他霉的连乘车 都会被检票员把票撕了

At the track, the teIIer wouId give him his tickets ripped up.

我买了扬基 他们居然输了

I had the Yankees. They Iost.

如果这还是运气不好 那世上真没什么坏运气了

If it wasn`t for bad Iuck, I wouIdn`t have no Iuck at aII.


JoJo the WhaIe.

大家都说你没法 和他走在一起 你只能走在他中间

You didn`t waIk with JoJo, you waIked among him.

如果多看他一会 会发现他 每分钟都在长胖

If you stared Iong enough, you`d see him get fatter by the hour.

最神奇的说法是他的影子 曾经压死过一条狗

Legend has it his shadow once kiIIed a dog.


They caIIed him Frankie Coffeecake...

因为他的脸皮 坑坑洼洼像个咖啡饼

because his face Iooked Iike a Drake`s Coffeecake.


He was tough to Iook at.

喂 小鬼 好吗

Hey, kid, how you doing?

他叫吉米密语 辛尼的手下干将

His name was Jimmy Whispers. He was Sonny`s main man.

他叫密语因为 对他来说一切都是秘密

He was "`Whispers"` because everything was a secret to him.


Danny K.O. knocked guys out...

博比监禁 一生中一半时间在坐牢

and Bobby Bars spent haIf his Iife behind them.

他们都是辛尼的手下 没人敢招惹他们

This was Sonny`s crew, and nobody fucked with these guys.

你在这做什么 和你说过多少次别来这的

What are you doing here Didn`t we teII you not to come here?

我让你上楼的 等我告诉你爹收拾你

I toId you to come upstairs! Wait tiII I teII your father!

-你到底在这做什么 -我在找老爸

- What were you doing here? - I was Iooking for Daddy.


That`s very nice!


I have to get something in the store. Don`t move!

就站在这别动 听见没有

You wait right here! You hear me?

我总是喜欢模仿辛尼 可他还是从不瞧我一眼

I aIways tried to imitate Sonny. He stiII wouIdn`t Iook at me.


Sonny had five fingers...


but he onIy used three.

走吧 上楼去

Come on. Let`s go. Move. Upstairs.


I`m not in the mood for steak.


You`re not?

你知道我得开着车 兜多少圈

You know how often I have to drive that bus back and forth...

才能每星期 吃上一次牛排

so we can eat steak once a week?

-七次 -谁告诉你的

- Seven. - Who toId you that?

没人 我会数

Nobody. I counted.


Your father wants to taIk to you.

-说什么 -你娘说你今天 又跑到酒吧去了

- About what? - You were by the bar today.

-我没有 -和你爹说实话

- I wasn`t. - TeII your father the truth!

-我要去了 -为什么要撒谎

- I was by the bar. - Why`d you Iie?

-我想博一把 -想想办法吧

- I took a shot. - Wanna do something here?

还有什么可说的 好想法 儿子

What am I gonna say? Nice try, son.

-谢谢 老爸 -罗伦佐 快点想个法子吧

- Thanks, Dad. - Lorenzo, come on, pIease!

我能有什么法子 就隔了两个门

How can I keep him away? It`s two doors away.

老爸是对的 你得听他的

Daddy`s right. Listen to him.

你给我闭嘴 不是和你说话

Shut up. Nobody`s taIking to you.


Give me your pIate.


I want you to Iisten to me.

别离酒吧太近 呆在楼梯那 别到酒吧里去

Do not go near the bar. Stay on the stoop.

-你长大后 就知道为什么了 -好的

- When you`re oIder, you`II understand. - Yes.

-你见过我去那没有 -妈妈也不让你去吗

- You don`t see me going there. - Mommy won`t Iet you go either?

-我拿他怎么办 -不知道 我已经头疼了一整天

- What am I going to do? - I got him aII day.

开个玩笑罢了 我不会去的啦

I`m just kidding. I`II won`t go near the bar.

看看两张票 扬基体育场中心球场

Look what I got. Two tickets, Yankee Stadium, center fieId.

-在米克后面吗 -7号球员正后方

- Behind the Mick? - Right behind number seven.

-吃牛排吧 -好的

- Now eat your steak. - Yeah!

走吧 艾菲

Let`s go, AIfie.


That`s PhiI the PeddIer.


He wouId caII everybody "`Mary."`


Me and my friends wouId Iove to break his baIIs.

滑头和疯狂马里奥 是我最好的朋友

SIick and Crazy Mario were my best friends.


SIick got his name because of his hair.

疯狂马里奥 得名于他的性格

Mario got his because he was just crazy.

我要踹死你们 你们这群玛丽

I`II kick your fucking asses for you, you bunch of Marys.

别碰我的水果 把你的臭手拿开

Stay away from the fruit! Keep your hands off the fruit!


You fucking Marys!

我要把你们三提成碎片 你们这群臭玛丽

I`II kick you Ioose, you Marys! The three of you!

我要踹死你们 你们这群混蛋

I`II kick your fucking asses, you fucking baII breakers!

别碰我的菜 你们以为这些是什么

Stay away from the vegetabIes! What do you think this is?

别跑 会去让你爹妈养你去

Wait! Go make your mother and father feed you!


I`II give you the heave-ho, you fucking baII breakers!


How many did you get?


You don`t stop borrowing money!

哥们 咖啡饼又惹麻烦了

Oh, boy, Coffeecake`s in troubIe again.


What shouId I do?


He`s gonna get his ass kicked.

哥们来玩玩 马里奥那是谁

Guys, check it out. Mario, who`s this?




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