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科比奥斯卡电影亲爱的篮球 中英文台词就像一首诗歌

2020-12-09 04:20:01

From the moment那一年

I started rolling my dad’s tube socks我第一次穿上爸爸的筒袜

And shooting imaginary Game-winning shots幻想着自己在场上赢球

In the Great Western Forum幻想自己在西部论坛球馆

I knew one thing was real:我知道

I fell in love with you.我爱上了篮球

A love so deep I gave you my all —我爱得如此深切

From my mind & body无论思想,肉体

To my spirit & soul.还是精神,灵魂

As a six-year-old boy六岁的我

Deeply in love with you已深深地爱上了篮球

I never saw the end of the tunnel.我看不到尽头I only saw myself


Running out of one.竭尽全力

And so I ra.努力奔跑

I ran up and down every court我在球场上不断奔跑

After every loose ball for you.争夺每一个篮板球

You asked for my hustle你们想看到我努力拼搏

I gave you my heart我便将赤心交于你们

Because it came with so much more.这其中,想说的提多

I played through the sweat and hurt我挥汗如雨,带伤征战

Not because challenge called me不为挑战

But because YOU called me.只为篮球

I did everything for YOU我倾尽一切

Because that’s what you do只为篮球

When someone makes you feel as你让我感到充实

Alive as you’ve made me feel.让我意识到自己还活着

You gave a six-year-old boy his Laker dream你让那个六岁的小男孩心怀湖人梦

And I’ll always love you for it.我爱你爱的太多

But I can’t love you obsessively for much longer.但是我不能再沉溺地爱下去了

This season is all I have left to give.这将是我最后一个赛季

My heart can take the pounding我的心仍在跳

My mind can handle the grind我的意志仍然坚强

But my body knows it’s time to say goodbye.但是我的身体告诉我,该告别了

And that’s OK.好吧

I’m ready to let you go.I want you to know now我该放手了,我想让你明白

So we both can savor every moment we have left together.在剩余的时光中,我们尽情享受The good and the bad.好坏亦然

We have given each other我们已经为对方

All that we have.倾尽所有

And we both know, no matter what I do next我们都知道,从今以后

I’ll always be that kid. With the rolled up socks我还是那个小男孩,穿着筒袜

Garbage can in the corner瞄准墙角的垃圾桶

05 seconds on the clock默念倒计时五秒

Ball in my hands.球在我手中



Love you always,永远爱着你,我的篮球




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