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2020-12-13 01:55:01



擅长英国文学、哲学和心理学的老哥Craig Wickham,分享了他的10个心得,咱们也可以借鉴一下哦。

1.Wake up early—at the latest, 6A.M.


2. Go to bed 7–9 hours before you plan on waking up. No more, no less.

在计划醒来前7-9小时上床睡觉。 别多也少。

3. Don’t hit snooze. Little 8–10 minute breaks of sleep right when you are waking up will absolutely destroy your focus for the day. The body is not designed to sleep in such short rapid bursts. If you find yourself hitting snooze 1 or 2 or 3 or more times, reevaluate everything.

不要打瞌睡。 小睡8-10分钟醒来,就会完全破坏你的注意力。 我们的身体不是为了如此短促的睡觉而设计的。 如果你发现自己打盹1次或2次或3次或更多次,请重新评估你要做的每件事。

4. Stay awake for 15–17 hours a day. This is incredibly important. Everybody worries about how long you sleep, but you need to be awake for a certain amount of time, or you’ll be destroyed.

每天保持清醒15-17个小时。 这非常重要。 每个人都担心自己睡了多久,但是你需要在一段时间内保持清醒,要不你就会被摧垮。

5. Always eat a good breakfast. Carbohydrates fuel the brain for a few hours in the morning, and they are best.

总是吃一顿美味的早餐。 早上吃碳水化合物会给大脑增加几个小时的动力,它们是最好的。

6. When you sit down to work, eliminate all distractions. Put your phone on do not disturb. Don’t even have a penny on the desk. Odds are, you’ll pick it up and become distracted.

当你坐下来工作时,消除所有分心。 打开手机设置勿扰。 一枚硬币也不要放桌子上,很可能你会因为手残去捡它而分散注意力。

7. Set alarms. Don’t study for too long at once, and when your alarm goes off, take a deliberate break, or you’ll feel fatigued and will begin easily losing focus.

设置闹铃。 不要一次学习太长时间,当你的闹钟响起时,刻意休息休息,否则你会感到疲惫,也很容易失去注意力。

8. If you skip meals, you are bound to fail.


9. Remove all other subconscious distractions from your mind. This is one of the most important and overlooked elements of learning. Get off social media—permanently. Sell your smartphone if you can. Don’t watch mindless television shows. Don’t read too much news—or any news if you can. All these things fill your subconscious brain layer and make focusing for long periods of time more difficult.

从脑海中移除所有其他潜意识的干扰。 这是学习中最重要和最容易被忽视的因素之一。 远离社交媒体。 如果可以的话卖掉你的智能手机。 不要看盲目地看电视节目。 如果可以的话,不要看太多新闻。 所有这些都填满了你的潜意识大脑皮层,使得长时间聚精会神变得更加困难。

10. Relax in the evenings. Without rest, you will lose your ability to focus. Your brain needs time to rest, but remember, that doesn’t mean endless hours on social media, reading news, or watching TV. Those three things are the enemies of success, and the destroyers of the mind.

晚上放松一下。 没有休息,你将失去专注的能力。 你的大脑需要休息,但请记住,休息不是无休止的刷社交媒体,阅读新闻或看电视。 这三件事是成功的敌人,也会破坏我们安静的心绪。

所以,保持长时间专注力是不容易的,但这却是学习中最应该锻炼出的能力,以后当别人问起你有啥能力的时候,你就说我有专注力啊!懂的人一定也是会学习的人哦,他们一定会give you a thumbs up.



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