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Public Service System:生僻字影响学生保研|OPINION

2020-12-15 04:15:01

Rrarely Used Characters in People’s Names Cause Inconveniences, Who Is to Blame?

According to a recent report from The Paper, a senior student studying in Shanghai was unable to be pre-approved for a master’s degree because of a rarely used character in her name cannot be registered into China Higher Education Student Information and Career Center according to the Paper. The character consists of combined by “you” (由) and “ye”(页).


The mother of that girl, successfully registered it when she reported her daughter’s information to local police station after the girl’s birth, while after that, they met numerous problems in banks and train ticket windows.


The school where she studies asked her to change her name, while according to relevant regulations that students are not allowed to do so.


The uncommon character of "di"

Source / The Paper

People shouldn’t be to blame for using uncommon characters when they pick up names for their offsprings. Initially, the choice of name shouldn’t be restricted, it is a personal right.


According to the 99th article "The General Principals of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China", citizens shall enjoy the right of personal name and shall be entitled to determine, use or change their personal names in accordance with relevant provisions.


Besides, many so-called “rare-used characters” have their sources of Chinese ancient classics, which contributes to the protection and promotion of Chinese traditional culture. Many young parents tend to pick up names from the Book of Songs.


For example, a winner of 2015 Nobel Prize in medicine called Tu Youyou, got her name from the famous verse “Deer are calling from the field, grazing on the tender marsilea.”.


The whole poem reflected a joyful atmosphere where the mutual respect between guests and the host. With every name followed by a far-reaching story, our culture passes generation after generation.


Actually, this report uncovered some flaws of our Public Service System. The inconvenience is triggered by a disconnection among Font Banks of these systems.


It urges our Public Service System to improve service level to some extent. The society should not ignore a group’s right, using “they are minority” as a defense.


Resident household

Source / The Paper

To tackle such problems, our Public Service System needs to get Font Banks through within it and improve their service efficiency which ensures a timely reaction next time they face with such issues.


At the same time, our government ought to guide, supervise and perfect the improvement of Public Service System. Also, it is their responsibility to build a social consensus that in terms of using uncommon characters in names, instead of parents, it is the Public Service System that has a lot to answer for.


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