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学习这些药草名称和香料名称 以改善和扩展您的英语词汇量!

2020-12-19 14:25:01

List of Herbs and Spices | Names of Spices and Herbs 草药和香料的清单|名称的香料和香料

Herbsand Spices! List of herbs and spices in English with examples and pictures. Learn these herb names and spice names to improve and expand your vocabulary about fruits and vegetables in English. 草药和香料! 用例子和图片的英文草药和香料列表。 学习这些药草名称和香料名称,以改善和扩展您的英语水果和蔬菜词汇。

Herbsrefers to the leafy green or flowering parts of a plant (either fresh or dried), they are used for food, flavoring, medicine, or fragrances for their savory or aromatic properties. A spice is a seed, fruit, root, bark, or other plant substance primarily used for flavoring, coloring or preserving food.


Herbs and Spices

herbsn. [植] 药草;[植] 草本植物(herb的复数)

medicinal herb草药;药草

chinese medicinal herb中草药

herb layer 草本层

annual herb 一年生草本

herb tea 花草茶;药茶;草药茶

If one is overrun with an infection in ascension, call upon our species or ingest the herbis one is so called from within.


spicesn. 香味料,调味料(spice的复数)

Five Spices五香料

Five Spices五香粉

Five Spices五香

Five Spices粉末五香粉

Pickling Spices腌渍香料

Today, we will tell about herbs and spices, and some of their many uses.


List of Herbs and Spices

Cilantro/coriander 芫荽叶/芫荽,香菜,胡荽Artichoke 朝鲜蓟(形似百合果的绿果);菊芋(等于Jerusalem artichoke);洋蓟(等于globe artichoke)Rosemary [植] 迷迭香Bay leaves 月桂叶;香叶Mint leaves 薄荷叶Basil 罗勒(芳香叶子植物)Clove [植][中医] 丁香Olive 橄榄;橄榄体;炖牛肉卷;油橄榄;橄榄树;橄榄绿;橄榄环;橄榄贝Shallot 葱Turmeric 姜黄,姜黄根;姜黄根粉,郁金根粉Garlic 大蒜;蒜头Ginger 姜;姜黄色;精力;有姜味Onion 洋葱;洋葱头Spring onions/green onions 葱;小葱/绿洋葱;大葱(green onion的复数形式)Lemongrass 柠檬香草;柠檬草Chives 香葱,细香葱;韭黄(chive的复数)Green chili 青椒

Herbs and Spices Names with Pictures and Examples


Fresh cilantro/corianderis readily available in most supermarkets. 大多数超市都能买到新鲜香菜/香菜。

Artichoke朝鲜蓟(形似百合果的绿果);菊芋(等于Jerusalem artichoke);洋蓟(等于globe artichoke)

Artichokeleaf has been shown to lower cholesterol. 洋蓟叶已被证明可以降低胆固醇。

Rosemary[植] 迷迭香

They were served lamb and rosemaryand she surprised herself by eating greedily. 他们吃的是羊肉和迷迭香,她吃得狼吞虎咽,让自己吃了一惊。

Bay leaves月桂叶;香叶

Bay leavesare very helpful to our health. 月桂叶对我们的健康很有帮助。

Mint leaves薄荷叶

When your stomach feels sick, drinking a cup of tea from mint leavescan give you relief. 当你的胃不舒服的时候,喝一杯薄荷茶可以让你放松。


It’s the basilthat gives the sauce its essential character. 罗勒赋予了酱汁最基本的特性。

Clove[植][中医] 丁香

Cloveoil has a numbing effect in addition to bacteria-fighting powers. 丁香油除了具有抗菌作用外,还有麻痹作用。


She likes olivebecause it symbolizes peace. 她喜欢橄榄树,因为它象征着和平。


They blend deliciously with garlic, shallots, basil, tarragon, thyme, bay leaf, oregano, and cumin, and are often combined with olives, peppers, and Spain. 它们与大蒜、青葱、罗勒、龙蒿、百里香、月桂叶、牛至和孜然美味地混合在一起,经常与橄榄、辣椒和西班牙辣椒混合在一起。


Her turmericpies are a great favourite. 她最喜欢吃姜黄馅饼。


I love the taste of garlic. 我喜欢大蒜的味道。


It didn’t taste much of ginger. 它没有多少姜味。


As you peel away the onionskin,you will find another skin underneath. 当你剥去洋葱皮时,你会发现下面还有一层。

Spring onions/green onions葱;小葱/绿洋葱;大葱(green onion的复数形式)

Lunch was a collation of local salami, black olives, spring onions/green onionsand dark soft rye-bread. 午餐是当地萨拉米香肠,黑橄榄,葱/葱和深色软黑麦面包的整理。


Lemongrasshas an unusual and rather interesting entree segment in its menu. 柠檬草在其菜单中有一个不寻常且相当有趣的主菜部分。


When vegetables are cooked, I often add the chivesand drained scallops. 当蔬菜煮熟时,我经常添加韭菜和排干的扇贝。

Green chili青椒

She added some green chilipeppers to her cheese dip to make spicier. 她在她的奶酪酱中添加了一些绿辣椒,使其变得更辣。

Herbs and Spices | Image



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