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2019高考英语书面表达押题之四 环保(垃圾分类)

2020-12-24 07:05:01

假如你是李华,你班上周星期一第一节课召开了以“垃圾分类(waste sorting)”为主题的班会,请你用英语向学校校园网写一篇通讯稿,内容包括:1. 班会的时间、地点;2. 班会的过程;3. 班会后的认识和感受。

In the first class of last Monday, a class meeting whose topic was “waste sorting”was held in our classroom.

At the beginning of the meeting, we watched a video, in which we were introduced to some details about how to sort waste. Then, we were given the opportunity to do it by ourselves, some of whom were askedto come to the front to demonstrate the process, making explanations. Lastly, the monitor appealed to us to start ourselves with the little things around us to make our world more beautiful.

The activity turned out to be successful and fruitful,through which we not only acquired a good knowledge of waste sorting but also raised our awareness of protecting the environment.



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