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Milan Markovic老师:Stay strong & continue learning English.|治学大家谈

2021-01-05 15:50:02


“Stay strong and we will continue

our English learning adventure”

Okay! First, I want to say Hello. Happy new year to everyone, all of you, my students. I’m sorry this is the only way we can communicate at the beginning of this spring semester. Unfortunately, this is all we can do at this point. You know. Why? That is the case.

I got this message from our school, our department, to record a short video about English learning. In a way, I thought that everything I insisted on in the previous term now has even more sense because I was trying to remind you, so my point was that English learning is not about relying on others. So, you must find your own ways, how to study this subject, how to connect your interests with English. And at this point most of the people, they really cannot do much. They will spend most of their time at home. So, there is something that no one can stop you from doing, either self-studying or something that I think is more, for a lot of people, more productive is to cooperate with others. Of course, when you cannot go out anytime you want and interact with others. But what you could do is to use WeChat or other social media platforms and maybe even learn English by playing games or texting with others in English or sending messages or something we have done in the previous term. So I think, if you really want to continue studying English, you should consider some of these with how to continue progressing in English language at the same time and escape this terrible situation that a lot of people are in at this moment.

So, I really hope you will stay strong and all of this will end soon so we could see each other soon in the classroom and sit in the real classroom. we will continue our English learning adventure soon. Okay, that’s all. What I have to say to you is to stay strong, take care, and hope to see you soon. Goodbye.






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米兰·马尔科维奇(Milan Markovic),塞尔维亚籍外教,2019年8月起到兰州大学工作,从事大学英语听说课教学。

内容来源 | 党委宣传部(新闻中心) 教务处

翻译 |尚福城

编辑 | 王雨飞

责任编辑 | 张田甜

主编 | 肖坤



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