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2021-02-07 10:25:01



On a Friday before Easter, Christian festivals.

Good Friday commemorates Jesus capped a week in life (namely "holy week", also known as "passion week") in the big day. One from this week before Easter Sunday (palm Sunday - Jesus into Jerusalem with honor, welcomed people armed with palm branches), after the Thursday before Easter (made holy communion, Jesus and his disciples came into the "last supper" set up the Eucharist) and Friday (good Friday, Jesus was crucified and died for the SINS of the world) to the end of the Easter (Sunday). The theme of "holy week" is the core content of the new testament bible - the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

On good Friday this holiday, Catholic, orthodox, and Christian holy, Lutheran and other factions have liturgy. In many places, with different denominations in the day, during week, solidarity.

In addition to the holy communion, morning prayers, night worship, Friday's protest activities in communities with large Catholic populations are also common. In Jerusalem, Israel priests carrying the cross led the faithful retrace Jesus crucifixion "stations", everywhere are chanting prayers. In Sicily, Italy, trapani Easter parade started from good Friday afternoon, in the sad music people carried the wooden crucifix marching slowly along the street, the parade will last 24 hours. In many places on this day also show passion plays, the tragic scene.

This special day can also cause some crazy behavior. Such as black Friday, March 25, 2005 that day, the United States in central Texas a sect of believers, outside the church to imitate Jesus' crucifixion. They will be tied to a high cross, up to 7 hours in front of the people walk or drive by here to repeat a crucifix.



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