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2021-02-08 07:00:02





They are parents and children as well as you and I, but they are robbing people with their protective clothing. They are called angels in white. They are also the most beautiful rebels in our life. They always rush ahead and protect the people of our motherland with their own lives!

84岁的钟南山爷爷,不惧年龄的界限,奔赴在疫情的第一线。他在新闻中严厉的对电视机前的老百姓说。: “千万不要去武汉,武汉那边十分危险!”可他刚一转身,却奋不顾身地去了他口中危险的武汉。他到了那儿,他顾不上吃饭,顾不上睡觉,争分夺秒, 日夜奋战,寻找治疗方案。没有飞机,就坐动车,没有车票,就买站票。在动车上的餐车办公、小憩,那个疲惫的身影,让多少年轻的心灵为之动容!

The 84 year old grandfather Zhong Nanshan, fearing the age limit, rushed to the front line of the epidemic. He told the people in front of the TV severely in the news. "Don't go to Wuhan, it's very dangerous!" but he just turned around and went to Wuhan, which he said was dangerous. When he got there, he didn't care about eating, sleeping, fighting against the clock, day and night, looking for a cure. If there is no plane, take the bullet train. If there is no ticket, buy a station ticket. In the car dining car office, rest, that tired figure, let how many young hearts for it!


Uncle Zhang Dingyu is the president of Wuhan Jinyintan hospital. He is suffering from progressive frostbite. He limped, his muscles atrophied and his legs hurt. Doctors say he has only ten years to live, but he is still fighting with death. But his wife is also a staff member of the hospital. He was infected with the new type of coronary pneumonia in the process of receiving patients. He was worried about it in his heart. He still stuck to his post and fought hard. Fortunately, his wife has been cured. Maybe, that's good news for good people. !


There are also some of the most beautiful protesters around us: traffic police, community volunteers, soldiers, community workers and truck drivers who go to deliver vegetables to Wuhan They are also the most beautiful reversers in our life. As students, we don't make trouble at home, but we need to have a solid cultural knowledge and become the most beautiful reversers in the future!


The Chinese nation is a great, brave and strong nation. We believe that we, the most beautiful rebels, will win! Come on, Wuhan! Come on, China!



This year's Spring Festival is the most worrying Spring Festival I have ever had. As novel coronavirus broke out in Wuhan and spread rapidly to China, with the increasing number of confirmed cases and the increasing number of deaths, with the news constantly rolling, most areas were in a predicament of lack of materials, lack of medical care and lack of beds. All the pictures make me sad! I fell into the ice hole like a sudden, the struggle, the helplessness, the panic, there is no place to put!


There is such a picture that I can't help crying and thinking.


A nurse in Henan has been fighting at the forefront of the epidemic since the beginning of the new year, and has not returned home for more than ten days. The 9-year-old daughter brought dumplings to her mother, and she cried "Mom! Mom... " , and his mother in the hospital gate air hug, long time did not leave.


As a child of the same age, if my mother has been working in a dangerous place, if I don't see her for ten and a half days, I can't imagine how much missing and suffering I will have in my heart. It's infinite worry and concern for my mother.


There are tens of thousands of white clad angels who, like this nurse, give up their reunion with their families and fight day and night in the front line during the Spring Festival. They are all worthy of our praise and memory.


I salute the angels in white. In the face of difficulties, regardless of their own safety, they march forward bravely and sacrifice their lives to save people. We can at least hide at home to isolate the virus, but they have no way out. They are great rebels!


I salute the angels in white. They are not gods. They are just ordinary people. They are also the children of their parents, the parents of their children. Many of them have fallen, even died. They are supported by their inner social responsibility. They are the real heroes in my heart.


I salute the angels in white, their fearlessness, their society.


In the medical front, pathogens were identified in a very short time, and efforts were being made to strengthen the research and development of effective drugs and vaccines. Medical staff from all over the country rushed to Wuhan without hesitation. The military quickly launched the joint defense and control mechanism, and urgently selected elite troops to help Hubei Province and make new contributions to the motherland and the people; Workers fought day and night, and the construction of huoshenshan hospital and leishenshan hospital once again made people marvel at China's speed; provinces, cities, counties, streets, towns, urban and rural communities established and improved protection networks, grass-roots communities implemented grid management, carpet type screening, and implemented prevention and control measures to households and people; Internet enterprises and relevant units and departments make full use of big data, cloud computing and other information technologies to study and judge the epidemic transmission law and influencing factors, so as to provide reference and evaluation for the launch of prevention and control measures

Once again, the 1.4 billion Chinese people have interpreted the national feelings of difficulty and support from all sides, and have demonstrated the national character of being more difficult and forward. The promotion of this great national spirit is closely combined with the promotion of scientific spirit. In this interdiction war of epidemic prevention and control, we adhere to a scientific attitude, use scientific methods, be good at rational thinking in the face of severe and complex situations, and adhere to scientific and orderly prevention and control according to law. As long as we rely closely on the people, launch the people's war of epidemic prevention and control, launch the overall war of epidemic prevention and control, fully mobilize the subjective initiative of the people, and work with one heart and one team, we will surely win the battle of epidemic prevention and control.

Mission in the heart, responsibility in the shoulder. With vigour and vitality too strong to break our wills unite like a fortress. The Dandong transportation and transportation personnel resolutely carry out the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's instructions on epidemic prevention and control. According to the decision making arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council and the careful arrangements of provinces and cities, the vigorous epidemic prevention and control campaign has been launched rapidly, and the cadres and masses have joined hands and become a city. The great wall of iron and steel, together with the people of the whole country, will surely win the final victory of this anti epidemic war. Come on, Wuhan, China will win!



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