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2021-02-11 21:50:01



Afternoon, professors. Exactly it is almost evening. I am the last one in the group, but the last not the least. I know maybe you are a little tired, but please give me several minutes, and I am sure that you will be satisfied with me.

Perhaps you have heard this sentence too many times through the whole afternoon,however, I still have to say please allow me to express my appreciation for the opportunity that you give me to join in this interview, in the following minutes I will spare no effort to show the best of myself and pass it.

My name is xxx, 22 years old. I have got my undergraduate education in School of Microelectronic and Solid-State Electronic,UESTC, which is short of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, locating in Chengdu,Sichuan Province . I major in Solid-State Engineering.What I am interested in and wanna do during my graduate study is the research and application of Nanodevice using STM.

Generally speaking, I am willing to learn and progress, especially when doing the things I am interested in, I will do all what I can to finish them no matter how difficult they are. During the past three years, I have enjoyed an unforgettable college life in UESTC. I obtained not only the fundamental knowledge of my major, but also the chance to put them into practice via participating in various kinds of projects. Such experience has taught me the theoretical principles and practical methods to carry out research activities.What"s more, I gained a broader horizon and a more profound understanding on the development of my field.

After school, I often take part in some competitions. Especially the experience of mathematic modeling has taught me much. During several months, we had to learn so much knowledge that we may never met before, of cause, they area little difficult and complex.We did these all in our spare time, sacrificing the rest time and there creation. Though we don"t have got any prize, what we do is not in vain, Isuppose. We"ve learned the importance of team work and efficient communication,how to be a good partner, the abilityof systematical management, working organized and good presentation skills. Ithink these skills or principles arecritical to my further life, no matter whatI do.

Inthe part time, I also like to do some exercise, such as running, swimming andplayingbasketball. There is an old saying that Keeping physical fit is thefoundationof doing research well.

For a long time, I have been dreaming to come tohere for my furthereducation. I believe my undergraduate education would be aninvaluable asset inmy academic life. And I"m ready to stand out from all thecandidates andrealize my dream.

That"s all. Thanks.



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