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2021-03-13 17:10:02


B: Mr. Brown

L: Mr. Lin

A: All

B: Thank you for preparing a splendid (丰盛的) dinner for me. I feel very much honored.

L: It’s our pleasure. Mr. Brown, allow me to introduce some of my staff members to you.

B: (Greet to each) How do you do? And how do you do?

L: Take your seat please, Mr. Brown. What wine do you prefer, Maotai, Xuefeng or Fenjiu?

B: I was told that Maotai doesn’t go to the head. Maotai will do.

L: (To all) Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Brown has come from afar to visit our company, He has brought greater opportunities to our business cooperation. Let’s extend our warm welcome to him. I propose a toast to our friendship and cooperation, cheers!

B: (To all) Ladies and gentlemen, from the moment I set foot on this soil, I have felt the warmth and friendship you give to me. Thank you for your friendly sentiments. Cheers!

A: Cheers!

L: Mr. Brown, would you like to use the chopsticks or knife and fork?

B: I’d like to try chopsticks, but I’m not sure if I can manage them.

L: This food is Dalian specialty. Please help yourself.

B: Thank you, it’s very delicious!



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