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2021-04-12 23:15:02



本课是第3单元的第4课,是一篇关于圣诞节回忆的阅读文章。学生将在本课获得有关英语国家圣诞节的庆贺活动、风俗等有关信息,学习一些有关圣诞节的词汇,理解文章大意。学生能够在交流中简单介绍中国的节假日,并利用paragraph planning和时间顺序,对自己童年的节日回忆进行口头和书面表达。




词汇:snowman, Father Christmas, Christmas tree, presents, balloon, Christmas stocking, decorations, calendar, carol service, pudding, turkey, Christmas cake, stay awake, put up, carry on.



(1)Build up an area of vocabulary related to Christmas.

(2)Read and understand a passage about memories of Christmas.

(3)Develop reading strategies to answer multiple-choice questions.

(4)Talk about their childhood memories of an important festival.

(5)Know about and respect the different cultures in foreign countries.


(1)Words and expressions:snowman, Father Christmas, Christmas tree, presents, balloons, Christmas stockings, decorations, calendar, carol service, pudding, turkey, Christmas cake, stay awake, put up, carry on.

Sentence patterns:a. We tried to stay awake as long as possible to see Father Christmas… b. After lunch, the adults slept on the sofas in front of the Queen’s speech on television…

(2)Get the students to acquire the skill of doing the multiple-choice exercise.

(3)Let the students know about and respect the different cultures in foreign countries.


Step I Lead-in


T: Now let’s watch a short video and please enjoy it.

(show the students the video)

T: The video is very interesting, isn’t it?

S: ...

T: But do you know which festival is the song about?

S: …

T: And how much do you know about Christmas? Now, let’s see some pictures and learn some new words about it. I’m sure they will be very useful in today’s lesson. So please read the new words after me. Each word three times. Clear?

S: …

(show the pictures and read the new words)

T: Have you remembered all the new words?

S: …

T: Let’s check and see.

[设计说明]图文声像并用,正确引导,由学生熟悉的英语歌曲Jingle bell的动画flash导入,让他们有话可说,然后结合具体形象的图片让学生轻松掌握词汇,在愉快的氛围中积极参与课堂教学,活跃课堂气氛,为进一步理解课文做好准备。

StepⅡ Fast reading: Match the main ideas with the paragraphs.

Para1 A. Writing a letter to Father Christmas

Para2 C. Preparations for Christmas

Para3 E. Activities on Christmas Eve

Para4 B. Activities on Christmas morning

Para5 D. Activities on Christmas afternoon

Part1 (Para1-Para2) Activities before Christmas Eve

Part2 (Para3) Activities on Christmas Eve

Part3 (Para4-Para5) Activities on Christmas Day

The text is organized in time order.

[设计说明]以连线的方式让学生练习skimming(略读)阅读技能,迅速掌握文章大意,理清文章脉络,从整体上理解文章,为careful reading和homework的仿写奠定基础。

Step Ⅲ Careful-reading: Read the text carefully and try to remember the activities during Christmas.

(After reading, show them pictures and check.)

Before Christmas Eve: wrote a letter; sent Christmas cards; decorated the street; did some shopping;

On Christmas Eve: put up Christmas trees; relatives arrived; filled the stockings with presents;

On Christmas Day: went to church; played with presents; sang service cards; had turkey for lunch; played cards.


Step Ⅳ Further reading: Listen to the tape and do the multiple-choice exercise.

1. Who do you think reads the children’s letters?

A.Father Christmas. B. Their parents. C. Nobody.

2. What do you think people do in a carol service?

A. Sing songs. B. Give presents. C. Watch a play.

3. What happened on Christmas Eve?

A.The writer stayed awake all night.

B.Someone put presents in his stockings.

C.The writer saw Father Christmas.

4. Why did they laugh?

A. The Christmas carols were happy songs.

B. The songs and hats were funny.

C. The jokes and hats were funny.

5. After lunch, _________.

A.the adults watched the Queen’s speech

B.the children made a snowman

C.everybody had more to eat


Step Ⅴ Voice your opinion

Discuss in groups: What do you usually do to celebrate the Spring Festival?

[设计说明] 让学生进行文化对比,通过给学生提供篇章结构知识及词汇,引导学生内化文章内容,并用自己的语言进行输出,指导学生进行口语练习,进一步巩固主要话题词汇和表达句型,提高综合语言运用能力。

Step Ⅵ Homework:Writing

Collect more information about the Spring Festival and try to write your memories of the Spring Festival.




父亲节祝福语作文 迎国庆贺中秋作文 五年级上册语文第四单元作文 渴望什么作文500字 我心中的一幅画作文 写一篇关于新年的作文 童年的回忆作文四百字 西湖游记作文400字 新年感悟作文600字 关于写人的作文五年级 关于诚信的作文400字 我的同学作文好开头 可爱的小狗作文100字 河源的变化作文 2050年的地球作文 今年吉林高考作文 难得这样作文600字 走进大自然作文600字 成人高考专升本英语作文 我有一个梦作文600字 我爱我家作文450字 快乐春节500字作文 母亲让我自豪作文 写去哪里玩的作文 六年级上册语文第七单元作文 什么也是一种幸福作文 今年中考的作文是什么 关于冬的作文600字 有关科学技术的作文 五一见闻作文600字