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2021-04-14 10:50:04





( )1. —How do you like the book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer?

A. Yes, I like it. B. No, I don’t like it.

C. It’s interesting. D. It’s written by J.K. Rowling.

( )2. —Who taught __________ Japanese last year?

—Nobody. I just learned it by ______________.

A. your, myself B. you , me C . you, myself D. your, me

( )3. Aunt Li often asks her son too much meat. It’s bad for his health.

A. don’t eat B. not to eat C. to not eat D. not eat

( )4. I like music ______ is quiet and gentle .

A. when B. who C. that D. what

( )5. Bob and Ann ______ to Singapore . They’ll return in a month .

A. have gone B. has gone C. has been D. have been

( )6. The medical team is made _______________ twenty doctors and nurses. All of them are strict in their work.

A. of B. up of C. from D. by

( )7. The Art Festival ______ in our town every year.

A. holds B. is held C. is holding D. was held

( )8. —Would you like to see the film Superman with me?


A. That’s all right B. No, I don’t C. Yes, I do D. Yes, I’d love to

( )9. What ______ the population of China ?

A. is B. are C. has D. have

( )10. I have _______uncle who works at _______ university.

A. a, an B. an, an C. an, a D. a, a

( )11. —Two months _________ quite a long time.

—Yes, I’m afraid that he will miss a lot of lessons.

A. is B. are C. was D. were

( )12. Plastic bags have caused serious environmental pollution, ___________?

A. have they B. don’t they C. haven’t they D. do they

( )13. The maths problems are very difficult to ________.

A. try out B. try on C. work out D. work on

( )14. —I’m getting fatter and fatter. What should I do, doctor?

—You should eat __________ and exercise _____________.

A. less, less B. less, more C. more, more D. more , less

( )15. —Mum, may I watch TV now?

—No, you finish your homework first.

A. must B. mustn’t C. need D. can’t



I stood in the doorway, watching my elder brother 16 putting clothes into his bag. I coughed uneasily. Finally 17that I was there, Rocky turned toward me with a smile.

“I’m 18 tomorrow,” he said.

“I know.” My 19was almost a whisper. I was 20 with myself for being so weak, but I didn’t want to cry.

“My flight is early, but there is still21time to go to the airport,” he said. Seeing the sad look on my face, he quickly added, “Don’t be unhappy. I promise I won’t leave without ___22___ goodbye.”

I tried to say 23__ , but didn’t. It’s always 24to keep quiet if you want to cry. “ You promised you wouldn’t cry,” he said to me .

The next morning I 25, looked at my alarm clock, and knew he had left. I began to miss him from that moment.

16. A. carefully B. lively C. hardly

17. A. forgetting B. realizing C. listening

18. A. arriving B. coming C. leaving

19. A. voice B. sound C. noise

20. A. angry B. happy C. excited

21. A. a little B. a few C. much

22. A. speaking B. saying C. telling

23. A. something B. nothing C. anything

24. A. worse B. easier C. better

25. A. gave up B. stood up C. woke up



Basketball Match


Friday January 11

2 o’clock

Bull Basketball Club

For detailed information see

Paul Burton before Friday Lunch time


Non-stop music

Light show

15 Pembroke Road

Weekdays: 7p.m.-11p.m.

Saturday late night special:

8 p.m.-3 a.m.

Sundays: Closed

Over 18y only


Health Food Restaurant

6 Castle Street

Hot and cold vegetarian food




Table service

Tel: 0865-53060

( )26. Who can’t go dancing in Ticky’s Disco?

A. A 15-year-old student. B. A 21-year-old assistant.

C. A 55-year-old teacher. D. A 40-year-old worker.

( )27. If you have lunch in Karma, who will serve you at the table?

A. The waiter. B. The waitress. C. Your friend. D. Yourself.

( )28. Who will tell you the information about the basketball match?

A. Howard Brenton. B. GP. Lewis. C. Paul Burton. D. Dotley Marston.

( )29. What can you do at 6 Castle Street?

A. Watch basketball match. B. Have lunch.

C. Play basketball. D. Sing and dance.

( )30. When can you go to the Ticky’s Disco on Saturdays?

A. At 2 p.m. B. At 7 p.m. C. At 2 a.m. D. At 8 a.m.


Mr Turner liked fishing. It was his favourite sport. He often fished for hours without catching anything. But this did not worry him. Some fishermen couldn’t catch fish. Sometimes they caught old boots or rubbish . Mr Turner was even worse than the fishermen. He never caught anything – not even old boots. After he spent whole morning on the river, he always went home with an empty bag.

“You must give up fishing!” his friends said, “It’s a waste of time.”

“But they don’t realize one important thing. I’m not really interested in fishing. I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all. It can make me forget the noise of the city and live quietly for some time,” he always said to himself.

( )31. Mr Turner liked to fish_____.

A. by the riverB. in a boat on the river C. by the lake D. with the fishermen

( )32. He always went home with an empty bag because ______.

A. he couldn’t fish at all B. there weren’t any fish in the river

C. he gave the fish to the fishermen D. he didn’t pay attention to fishing at all

( )33. His friends told him _____ when they knew he couldn’t catch anything.

A. how to fish B. to change the way of fishing

C. not to fish any more D. to buy fish to eat

( )34. From the story we knew Mr Turner______

A. disliked the noise of the city B. was a good fisherman

C. liked to eat fish D. lived in the country

( )35. What Mr Turner enjoyed is ______.

A. eating fish B. doing sports

C. sitting in the boat and doing nothing D. fishing by the river



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