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2021-05-01 16:35:04


Hello, boys and girls! Happy Children’s Day! Today we will celebrate our festival in our Primary school . You can sing and dance here. Well, I’m sure you will have a good time.

The program list of Children’s Day

Now Let’s welcome our cheering school team to perform “Dazzle dance”.

Next Let’s enjoy a accordion concerto.

The next program is a hot dancing ,performed by Grade 6.

Let’s come to another show, “ChunXiao” ,performed by Grade 1.

Please enjoy Taekwondo.

Boys and girls, next we will enjoy Rap ABC

The next program is “dance Series” ,performed by Grade 4.

My friends ,Do you like Guzheng ?Now Let’s enjoy “ Song of the homebound fishermen ”.

Another hot dancing is performed by Grade 3.Please enjoy it.

Now Let’s enjoy the instrumental ensemble performed by by Grade 6.

The next program is allegro,performed by Grade 2. Please welcome!

Chinese kungfu is great, Please enjoy the martial arts performed by Grade 5.

Next Let’s enjoy a aeromodelling show. We hope you like it.

Please enjoy a poetry. The name is “Bid farewell to childhood,embrace the youth.”

The next program is Fancy basketball Show.

Boys and girls, Let’s enjoy the song, The screen is always, performed by Grade 6.


My dear friends, we are the way to end today’s party, I hope all of you could have enjoy it. May you have a good time! Happy Children’s Day!



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