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2021-05-08 11:26:08


despite various improvements in all aspects of social life, the generation gap between the grown-up and young remains large.

nowadays, the young people do not blindly follow what their elder say. owing to a higher level of education, the influence of western civilization, to some extent, gives them a new philosophy, which is completely different from that of their elders.

modern youths tend to be more revolutionary. they have their own interpretation for different matters; they also have their own ideas. their reluctance to learn old teachings and sayings causes constant friction between the two generations. they always introduce new changes. however, the old people, wedded to things of the past, are hostile to change. an invisible cold wall thus appears between the two generation and becomes wider and wider.

after all, the young generation, like the old one, needs being respected. and they are also skillful in modern techniques. in order to narrow the gap, both groups and young should respect each other, listen to the words of each other and discuss things patiently. most probably, this may help to solve the problem.



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