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2021-05-09 17:00:32


the loud rock music, and the noisy argument happen in your next door, and you just want to read your favorite book or even to have a good sleep. how do you feel your neighbor in this situation? after you have lived for one year, one day, your friends ask your neighbor’s name; however, you may see them only several times in a year. are they good neighbors? although these situations are in imagination, in reality, they exist. good neighbors can create safe and warm living sphere. people can’t help ask what is a good neighbor? there is a board and vague question, but, in my opinion, good neighbor should be characteristics of basic conditions: concerned about other’s feelings, and helping each other.

the sense of concern about others plays a fundamental role in the harmony of the neighborhood. residents enjoy their family time in their own home. however, the outsiders, neighbors those have their happy moment by yielding noises, for example, loud music, and kala ok at midnight, or by shouting at home during hockey game, can disrupt such sweet time. in addition, the extent of concern about the backyard also creates the problems between neighbors. the garbage scatters everywhere, attracting mosquitoes that may be bring infectious virus such west nile bird virus, and neighbors do not shovel the snow on the house side-road, leading to inconvenience to the disable people who ride wheels. the concern forces neighbor to turn down volumes and clear their living environment, and hence retain the harmony in the neighborhood. such concern about others can avoid the conflicts between neighbors, but helping each other can result in a safe and warm neighborhood. your neighbors shovel the snow on your side-road when they do for themselves. they take care of your pets when you are not at home. they watch strangers when they see them roaming around the neighborhood. in turn, you do the same thing for your neighbors when you are in that situation. accordingly, the neighborhood becomes more and more safe and warm. the help will extend out of the neighborhood. last month, the battery of my landlady’s truck was dead in the parking lord. i though that she would call some friends or mechanists for help; however, half and hour later, her neighbor brought a battery for her.

therefore, the judgment of a good neighbor does not depend on the reputation that purports the first impression but on their attitudes to others, including the sense of concern about others, and the extent of helping each other. such characteristics can bring about a safe and warm neighborhood and eliminate the conflicts between neighbors



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