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2021-05-21 15:00:03


一、 下面每组单词中划线字母的读音有一个与其他二个不同,请将这单词的标号填入题前括号内。

1. A. take B. bad C. have 2. A. fish B. find C. give

3. A. me B. bed C. red 4. A. glue B. run C. us

5. A. night B. ghost C. daughter

二. 找出下列英文单词所对应的"中文意思。

(1)underground A.电影院 (6)listen to the radio A 植物园

(2)light train station B.地铁(7)bad cold B 樱花

(3)movie theatre C 博物馆 (8)play chess C听广播

(4)museum D京剧 (9)botanical garden D 重感冒

(5)Peking opera E轻轨站 (10)cherry blossom E 下棋


1. He asked me _____ I would like a cup of tea.

A. that B. what C. if

2. Be quiet! The babies ________.

A. sleep B. are sleeping C. slept

3. Do you know ______ this word?

A. what to spell B. how to spell C. to spell

4. The students couldn't help ______ when they heard the joke.

A. to laugh B. laugh C. laughing

5. —— What day is today? —— It's ______.

A. Monday B. a fine day C. September 1st

6. If I ____ you tomorrow, I will give you the receipt.

A. see B. will see C. am seeing

7. Is the cat ________ the door? No, it isn’t. It’s ________ the desk.

A. behind, under B. in, on C. under, at D. over, behind

8. I’v got a toothache. I’m going to the__________.

A. park B. dentist C. teacher

9 ——May I _______ your bike? ——Sorry.

A. ride B. reading C. read

10. ——Whose ruler is it? ——Maybe it’s _______.

A. Peter B. Peters C. Mary’s

11. I want to find a good book. I’m going to the _______.

A. cinema B. library C. museum

12. ——_____ will you do? ——I’ll play football.

A. What B. When C. Where

13. —— I don't like milk. —— I don't, _________.

A. too B. neither C. either

14. I want to buy ________.

A. something eat B. something to eat C. anything to eat

15. —— I'm sorry I can't help you. —— ________.

A. Not at all. B. You are welcome. C. It doesn't matter.

16. Mrs. Sun is a friend of _______.

A. Mary's mother B. mother of Mary C. Mary 's mother's

17. There _____ two cups of tea on the table.

A. is B. are C. was

18. There are thirty pupils in our class. _____ of them are young pioneers

A. Any B. Either C. All

19 —— There isn't _____ water here. Could you get _____ for me? —— All right.

A. some, any B. any, any C. any, some

20 —— You look so beautiful in this white skirt. —— __________.

A. That's all right B. Thank you. C. Not at all.



A.My name is Han Mel. B. What's your name? C. Hello.

2.早上遇见 刘老师,应说_

A.Thank you,Mr. Li. B.How? C.Good morning,Mr. Liu.

3.别人向你打招呼 Hello!你应说_

A.What's your name? B.Hello! C.Thank you.

4.假如你叫林峰,当有人问你What's your name?时,你应回答_____.

A.I'm fine,too B.Nice to meet von C.My name is Lin Feng.


A.Sit down.please. B.How are you? C.I'm fine,too.


A.Good afternoon. B.What's your name? C.How are you


A.Hi! B。Hello! C.Good night!


A. Good morning B. Please sit down.

C. Thank you. D. Nice to meet you.


A.Please come in. B.Good morning C.Stand up.


A.How old are you? B.How are you? C.How do you do?.

五、 根据对话内容,从多个选项选出五个能填入空白处的最佳选项

A. I’ll go and get it at your home.

B. It’s a very bad line.

C. That would be fine.

D. I’ll arrive between two and three.

E. Tomorrow morning if possible.

A:Hello! 3769808.

B:Hello,Kate.I’d like to borrow your Chinese dictionary.I lost mine this afternoon.

A:Sorry! 1 .Could you speak a little clearly and slowly?

B:Yes.Could you lend me your Chinese dictionary? Mine is lost.

A:Sure! When do you want it?

B: 2 .

A:But it is Sunday tomorrow.I won’t go to school.

B: 3 .

A:But I’ll go to Miss Wang’s home tomorrow.Could you come in the afternoon?

B:Certainly. 4 .

A: 5 .I’ll wait for you.

B:Thank you.Bye.

六 、完形填空:阅读短文,并从四个选项中,选择正确的答案。

My father __ 1____ a good friend in the factory (工厂). He is sixty. He is an old man. All of the children like him. We call ____2___ Uncle Sam. He __3___ from England. He ___4___ in Sichuan. He can’t __5____ Chinese. We teach(教) him Chinese ___6_he ___7_ us English. He ___8____ work __9_ Sundays. He __10___ making things. And he likes watching TV with his children at night.

1. A. have B. haves C. has D. is

2. A. he B. they C. him D. his

3. A. come B. comes C. goes D. to come

4. A. live B. living C. lives D. to live

5. A. speak B. tell C. say D. talk

6. A or B.but C.and D.until

7.A. teach B. teachs C.teaches D.teaching

8. A. do B. don’t C. does D. doesn’t

9.A.in B.on C.for D.of

10. A .likes B. like C. to like D. liking


George was a quiet, serious young man. He had been studying very very hard one year, and when he passed all his exams, his friend Jim went to give him his congratulations and then had an earnest talk with him.

“You've never been to a dance, George, ” he said. “It's boring always studying and never enjoying oneself. Come out with me this evening.”

“Maybe you're right, Jim,” replied George after a moment's hesitation.

So they went to a dance and had a very good time. But George drank more than he was used to, and by midnight Jim had become worried about him, so he said, “ now we'll walk home in the cool air.”

On their way home, they came to a bridge, and George looked down at the river below very carefully, the stars were reflected in its surface.

“What are those lights down there?” George asked.

“They're the stars, George,” Jim answered.

“The stars?” George said. “Well, then, they should be above in the sky. How did I get so high up here? They are now at my foot!”

1. According to the passage, when did Jim go to see George?

A. After George had passed all his exams.

B. Before George had taken the exam.

C. After they had an earnest talk.

2. Which is true according to George?

A. It's good always studying without enjoying oneself.

B. It's good always enjoying oneself without studying.

C. It's good to study hard and enjoy oneself in a while.

3. What did George ask Jim to do that evening?

A. To have a good rest at home.

B. To work hard as ever. C. To go out with him.

4 What did they talk about on the way home?

A. Bridge. B. Water C. Stars.

5. Why did George say the stars are then at his foot?

A. Because he and his friend were high in the sky.

B. Because he was looking down at the reflections of the star on the surface of the water.

C. Because he was very happy to have passed the exam.

八、 英文数学题

If half of a number is 30, then three-quarters of that number is____.

参 考 答 案

一、(1)A (2) B (3) A (4) A (5)B

二、(1)B (2)E (3)A (4)C (5)D (6)C (7)D (8)E (9)A (10)B

三、(1)C (2)B (3)B (4)C (5)A (6)A (7)A (8)B (9)A (10)C (11)B (12)A

(13) C (14)B (15)C (16)C (17)B (18)C (19)C (20)B

四、(1)B (2)C (3)B (4)C (5)A (6)A (7)C (8)D (9)C (10)A

五、(1)B (2)E (3)A (4)D (5)C

六、(1)C (2)C (3)B (4)C (5)A (6)C (7)C (8)D (9)B (10)A

七、(1)A (2)C (3)C (4)C (5)B




诚信的重要性作文 窗外一景作文 关于动物的作文150 我与读书作文400字 我的烦恼450字作文初一 什么刷新我的生活作文 电冰箱的作文 我的肖像作文 厉害了我的国作文800 太阳的自述作文300字 西瓜介绍作文 一只动物的作文 一路一路歌作文 童年的记忆作文 写事的作文300字大全 小学生作文夏天的景色 感恩半命题作文 写景的作文700字 南京一日游作文800字 英语作文建议信范文 对我有影响的人作文 想象作文200字 描写春天的英语作文带翻译 作文春天的校园400字 关于有趣的游戏的作文 雨的作文500字 我已经长大了作文350字 失败的价值作文 创文在我身边作文 我想成为一只小鸟作文