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2021-05-30 08:50:03


1. The population of the United States is a bit more than 272 million, about 13% of which are Black, 12 % are Hispanic(讲西班牙语的人),4% are Asian and the rest are White Americans.

2. It is the third most populous country in the world after China and India.

3. The most populous states are California, Texas, New York, Florida and Illinois.

4. More than 80% of Americans live in urban areas.


1. Christmas is usually connected to ____

A the reunion of a large family

B the eating of Easter eggs

C the resurrection of Christ

D the forgiving of other’s sins

2. The largest of the ethnic minorities in America is ____

A the blacks

B the Mexico-Americans

C the Spanish-Americans

D the Chinese

3. The British establish ____colonies along the east coast of North American between 16.7 and 1733.

A 11

B 12

C 13

D 14

4. The largest university in Canada is ____

A Laval University

B The University of Toronto

C McGill University

D Simon Fraser University

5. Robinson Crusoe is written by ____

A Henry Fielding

B Daniel Defoe

C Samuel Richardson

D Jonathan Swift

6. ____is written by Walt Whitman.

A Representative Men

B English Traits

C Nature

D Leaves of Grass

7. ____is not a novelist.

A Henry James

B Emily Dickinson

C William Dean Howells

D Mark Twain

8. ____is not one of the core branches of linguistics.

A Phonology

B Psycho-linguistics

C Syntax

D Semantics

9. ____ is the common factor of the three sounds:[p], [t], [k]

A voiceless

B spread

C voiced

D nasal

10. English consonants can be classified into stops, fricatives, nasals, etc, in terms of ____

A manner of articulation

B openness of mouth

C place of articulation

D voicing



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