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2021-06-17 13:35:02


On Flat Sharing

1. 目前大城市中合租房现象增多

2. 该现象出现的`原因

3. 合租房的好处和可能出现的问题


On Flat Sharing

It is reported that there are more and more people sharing flat with others in major cities in China, such as Beijing, Shanghai and so on. This is especially true for many fresh graduates.

There are two main reasons concerning this phenomenon. Firstly, the price of house renting goes higher and higher day by day. Therefore, it is not easy for common people to afford an apartment in the cities. Secondly, most people sharing the flat with others are those who have just graduate from the university. They dont have enough money to afford the flat and dont want to borrow money from their parents neither.

Every coin has two sides, so does flat sharing. On one hand, flat sharing can help people save money on renting. On the other hand, it may bring up some problems such as who pays for what, and in what proportion. However, in my view, that wont be a problem as long as one deals with the problems kindly and fairly.



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