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2021-07-17 09:20:01


Mr.and Mrs.Brown lived in a small house near London with their child.Sometimes Mr.Brown came 1.__ from his work very late when his wife and the child were asleep.Then he usually 2.__ the front door of his house with his key and came in very 3.__ He didn't want to disturb them.

But one night when he was coming home late,he lost his 4.__ So when he reached his home,he 5.__ the bell,but nothing happened.He rang it again.Again nothing happened-

6.__ moved inside the house.Mr.Brown knocked at the bedroom windows,he spoke to his wife,he shouted, 7.__ she did not wake up.At last he stopped and 8.__ for a few seconds.He had a good 9.__ Then he began to speak like a small child,"Mother!"he said,"I want to go to the toilet !"He spoke quietly but at once 10.__ woke up.Then he spoke to her,and she opened the door for him.

( )1. A. up B. back C. to D. on

( )2. A. opened B. closed C. made D. drove

( )3. A. quickly B. happily C. fast D. quietly

( )4. A. bike B. car C. key D. knife

( )5. A. rang B. knocked C. opened D. made

( )6. A. somebody B. anybody C. everybody D. nobody

( )7. A. and B. but C. or D. so

( )8. A. sang B. cried C. thought D. thinks

( )9. A. idea B. plan C. key D. way

( )10. A. Mr. Brown B. Mrs. Brown C. the child D. neighbor

参考答案:1-5 BADCA 6-10 DBCAB



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