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2021-08-16 10:35:01


1. play an important role/part in be vital to /be crucial to

2. attach/place great importance topay great attention to /devote much attention to

3. advance with the time/ to keep abreast of times ; to move/ advance with the times

4. with the rapid development of national economy and great improvement of the peoples living standard

5. seize the opportunity /seize the time by the forelock

6. raise public awareness of

7.take effective measures to do sth./steps must be taken to

8.sharpen ones competitive edge

9.highly competitive society /intense/fierce competition/competition for talented people

10.with the ever-increasing consumption of energy/natural resources

11.knowledge economy/abuse/infringe upon intellectual property

12.cultivate ones interest in doing sth./broaden ones vision /widen ones scope of knowledge

13.give full play to ones abilities/fully display ones abilities

14.tap ones potentials /demonstrate ones abilities

15.be capable of /have the ability to do sth. /be proficient at /excel in be endowed with the capability of be blessed with the ability to be competent for

16. a tremendous fund of

17.prefence is usually given to educated persons, other things being equal



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